T W E N T Y - S I X

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Brooklyn's POV

I studied the school in front of me, as I hurried in. I puffed in and out.

It was days after the attack. We were all tense from it, but thankfully no one was really hurt - only a few were killed and we did ceremonies for them. A sense of pride washed over me when I noticed that they washed out most of the rouges.

Anyways, as I walked up the stairs, a force suddenly pushed me. I squeaked and fell on the ground. I looked to my side and found a girl, about my age, rubbing her head. I tilted my head, I've never seen her before... Maybe she's new!

I must've been staring, because she then shouted out, "Oh my! I'm so clumsy! I wasn't watching where I was going, I'm so sorry!"

I giggled as she stood up, and held out a hand for me. She was cute! She was a ginger-headed, green-eyed cutie. I gladly took her hand.

"You're new, right?" I asked.

"It's that obvious?"


"Oh... Well, I'm Ruby!" She suddenly said, smiling.

"I'm Brooklyn." I smiled back.

"I know this might sound stupid.. but can you show me around?" She said, fiddling with her fingers.

"Haha, sure!" I laughed, leading the way.

As I stepped in, almost everyone suddenly turned their heads toward me. I walked with Ruby at my side. I could practically feel her nervousness coming in waves. I held onto her arm and looked at her.

"You don't need to be afraid, don't worry I was in your shoes once. Almost everyone is really nice." I said, looking at Whoreissa "Almost."

She looked at me and sighed, she got out of her slouch position and nodded. Now she looked like a confident girl. I smiled and led her to my locker. As we were walking closer to my locker, she suddenly gasped. I looked at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

"That guy is so hot!" She said, fanning herself. I was so confused, right until I saw who she was talking about. Dimitri.

I silently growled to myself, hoping she didn't here. 'Mine, mate, mine.' Felicity kept chanting and growling in my ear.

I huffed and continued to walk to my locker, ignoring her, obviously. I was right near Dimitri when he suddenly pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead. I sighed and melted into his arms. I could never get tired of his hugs and presence. 

I heard a silent gasp, and let go of Dimitri. I looked behind me and found that Ruby was staring at us, wide-eyed. 

"Heh, well Ruby, this is my ma- I mean boy..friend, Dimitri." I said nervously, scratching the back of my neck, not really knowing what to say other than that.

She smiled brightly and replied with, "Oh, you don't have to say that to me, I'm a werewolf, so I figured that he's your mate." She bowed slightly while murmuring 'Alpha'. 

"She's new in town and our pack." Dimitri replied, answering my question. 

"Welcome!" I proclaimed. She giggled and smiled after. 

"I can't wait for you to meet the rest of the pack and the gang!" I said to her, suddenly so excited about her meeting my friends. 

"Show me your schedule, I want to see what we have together." I stated, and she gave me her schedule as soon as I said that.

I looked at it, and to my surprise, I found that we had almost everything together! 

"I don't know if this is fate or what, but it seems like you literally have almost everything with me!" 

"This is going to be a fun year." She exclaimed.

I led her to our first class, and thankfully, I spotted Amelia sitting in our usual place. I walked to her, Ruby tailing behind me.

"Hey girl!" She announced. I hugged her and sat down behind her, Ruby sitting next to me in the process. 

"Hey, Amelia. This is Ruby. Ruby, Amelia, Amelia, Ruby." I stated, introducing them both to each other. Ruby greeted her shyly, while Amelia grinned widely and embraced her in a welcoming hug.

During most of the lesson, we just spoke and talked about life, since the teacher wasn't in (thankfully). 

This kept happening for the whole day. I introduced Ruby to the rest of the gang and they absolutely loved her, and to be fair, I was glad that we have her as a friend, even though we just knew her. 

Now, we were in the assembly hall. The principal wanted to tell us something. It was only our year group, so there wasn't a lot of students in. 

"Good afternoon, students. I just want to announce that the field trip will still be ongoing for. I'd like you all, the ones who are going, of course, to pack their bags and to get themselves ready. Thank you, and you are all dismissed for the day." The principal announced.

"Seriously!? What is this, hell? I'm not going on some stupid field trip!" Amelia barked out. 

I facepalmed myself. "It will be fun, though.. Plus, we won't have any lessons if we go." Becca implied. 

Amelia groaned and walked out. I giggled. Ame was always the moody one. We all walked out, yet I felt something at the pit of my stomach that something bad was going to happen. I ignored it and focused on what my friends were talking about.

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