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Brooklyn's POV

I woke up to a burning headache, once again. It felt like I was going to literally explode. I clutched my head and groaned. I needed it to stop. It was painfully and gradually increasing by the second.

I decided to sleep on it, yeah terrible idea, but it's not my fault that I woke up to a massive headache - how was I supposed to know if I was going to suddenly wake up to it!

I really couldn't be arsed to go to school, so I just skipped.

Hey, if I was ever given the choice to either go to school or stay at home, I'd always 101% pick staying at home.

After a few minutes of talking to myself, I dozed off.


I looked at my surroundings, I was in a forest. I could hear the birds chirping, the branches moving by the wind, I could basically hear everything. Is this what it felt like to have heightened senses?

I spotted a lake just a few feet before me. I walked towards it, however, I felt physically different. I felt somehow.. shorter. I walked towards the lake and looked at my appearance. My eyes widened. I was a wolf.

But, I was truly magnificent. I had pure white fur. My ears were pitch black and my eyes were a beautiful ocean blue colour.

Then, I heard something. I turned around and found a bigger and much more broad black wolf. It was the hazel eyed wolf!

It was pure black with stormy grey eyes. I watched as it trotted towards me. All of a sudden, it was coming full speed at me, and before I knew it, it crashed into me.

I jolted upwards, panting and sweating. I touched my chest, calming my erratic heartbeat.

Once I was calm, I decided to just go ahead and take a shower. I went into my bathroom and stripped. I got in the bathtub and turned the faucet on to hot, but not too hot.

After a few minutes, I put on shampoo and then washed it out. I then added conditioner and also washed it out. After that, I washed my whole body with my vanilla scented body wash.

Once I was done, I washed my hair and body once more before I grabbed onto my robe and put it on, while putting the towel on my hair.

I got out of the bathroom and straight towards my bedroom and got dressed in black short shorts and a tank top. I dried my wet hair but left it not completely dry. I then put it in a plait.

I walked to my living room and decided to continue binge watching any TV show.

I decided on Teen Wolf, even though I already watched it a bajillion times.

I was watching the show, and all of a sudden, I felt someone or rather something watch me. This sent shivers down my spine. But I knew deep down, that it wasn't the good kind.

I looked towards the windows around me, hoping I didn't find the person or thing that was watching me.

All of a sudden, I heard leaves rustling. I don't know how I heard that, but I did. I shot up from the couch and silently tip toed to the window that was probably the closest to where I heard the noise.

I was staring at basically nothing in the distance - it was quite dark though - which made me agitated.

I quickly ran to the front door and locked it, suddenly making my breathing go rapid. I turned off the TV and quickly ran off to my room, scared my mind out of what happened. The chills got to me as I entered my room, my window was open and I quickly darted to close the window. The thing is, the window wasn't the thing that was on my mind.

A letter sat neatly on my bed.

I cautiously went to grab the letter, which had my name neatly written at the front. I hesitantly opened the letter and in the letter, was a piece of paper saying:

'It won't be long now, darling until all answers will be revealed soon. Be careful who you trust, my little apricot. ~Shadow'.

Horrific chills trailed down my spine. I panicked.

Someone was in my room.

Someone was in my room and sent me this letter.

'Was this some type of prank?' I thought to myself.

Tears escaped from my eyes. So much for wanting a new fresh start, huh? Trouble seems to be following me everywhere I go, even if I want to escape and take a break from all of this.

F*ck. My. Life.


Hey guys! I'm sorry about how short this chapter is but I hope you enjoyed this - even though it was a bit boring tbh😂Please don't forget to vote, comment and follow me for more updates and don't forget to give me feedback about this story!

See you guys later!

838 words

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