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Brooklyn's POV

"What the f*ck do you mean that I'm moving in with you!" I literally screamed out.

We are all currently squished in the back seat of the car that Ryder was driving. Amelia was seated in the passenger seat, while Dimitri, Daxton, Rebecca and I were at the back.

"I mean that you're moving in with me whether you like it or not. Do you even remember what happened?! You were almost about to get killed, Brooklyn, killed, and I came just in time. So, I'm ensuring your safety by you moving in with me. No questions asked. If you don't pack your stuff, I'll just get someone to pick them up." He stated, angrily. That made me shut up completely. I was acting like a d*ck..

We live like fifteen minutes away from them, couldn't we keep the house instead of moving in?

I sighed in defeat and looked out the window. Thankfully, I wasn't in the middle. I watched as we passed the blurs of green - the trees.

I heard Dimitri sigh and touch my shoulder, making me tense up.

"I just want you to be safe, Brook.. I don't wan this to happen to you again because I have a ton of enemies - and when I mean a ton, I mean hundreds. If they know you're my mate - which they might've already - they'll automatically target you because.. without you.. I'll die. Literally. I'm doing this for your safety, babe." He said softly to me. I looked at him as he strokes my cheek lovingly. I loved how the sparks just appeared from his very touch and fingertips. I sighed contently and nodded.

"Actually, he's also doing it so you could be closer to him." Daxton chirped in, winking at us, making me blush and Dimitri growl.

"But what about my mum then? Is she going to stay in my home? You never know, they might also target her.." I asked, trailing off. I didn't exactly want them to know about the letters that were left for me, because then, I don't know what they would've done, they could lock me up in the home, for all I know!

Dimitri groaned silently and answered, "Ok, even though she is a werewolf, and can look after herself, we could give her one of the homes near the pack house.. but then she'd have to join our pack." I mentally awed at when he said 'our pack'. It was cute and it made me feel welcome to the pack.

"Ok then, what's the problem about that?" I asked, even though I was still new with the fact of werewolves and packs, I tried to make sense of what they said, I didn't want them to not tell me any secrets that might put me or anyone I care about in danger.. but now that you think about it.. I am sort of a hypocrite right now.

Ugh, why couldn't my life just be normal for once?

Dimitri sighed and mumbled an 'ok'. Something tells me that he doesn't exactly like the idea of my mother living in his pack. Is it because she's a rouge or is it something else? I might ask him about it later..

A few minutes passed, and we were parked right in front of my home. We already informed my mum and she wasn't exactly okay with it at first, but we got her to say yes.

I was basically packing up to go to Dimitri's home, Dimitri was helping me pack. I pointed him to my wardrobe, making sure not to point him towards my underwear section. I was in my bathroom, grabbing any toiletries and necessities. Once I entered the room, I found Dimitri holding one of the lingerie that Becca bought for me. His eyes were dark as he stared me up and down shamefully.

My eyes widened. Where the hell did he get that from?!

I power walked towards him and snatched the thongs and bra off him, glaring at him.

"How'd you like to show me what it looks like on you." He said to me, darkly, smirking mischievously at me.

"Ugh, f*ck off!" I groaned out, pushing him out of my room.

"I'll pack my stuff up myself!"

I sighed as I continued to shove my clothes in the suitcase.

• • •

Once I was done, I dragged my two suitcases out of the room and decided to slide the suitcases down the stairs.

"Geronimo!" I shouted as they both landed with a 'bang!'

Everyone literally dashed towards the stairs and stared at the suitcases.

"You're weird." Daxton said, sucking a lollipop and walking off.

"Yeah, same to you!" I answered back.

Dimitri looked at me in disbelief before shaking his head and muttering words under his breath, before walking off. The rest of them walked off, back to their normal activities.

'Wow, such an amazing group of friends'. I thought to myself, as I walked down the stairs and pulled the suitcases up, dragging them to the door.

A few hours later, everything in the house seemed to be packed up. I hate to say this, but ever since I moved in this home, I've always loved this place - however, now it feels like forever since I moved to somewhere else. It feels weird.

We stepped in the car and drove off to our new home. My mother was in another car - one of the pack members' one. Apparently Dimitri called or mind chatted to someone to bring my mum to her new home.

He told me pack members can speak telepathically to one another through their minds - it's pretty cool to be honest - at times like this, it makes me wish that I could do all these amazing things that they could do.

"We're here!" Daxton yelled out.

"Welcome to your new home, babe." Dimitri said.

"Don't call me babe."

"Ok, babe." He answered.

I sighed. This is going to be a long stay.

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