T H I R T Y - O N E

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Brooklyn's POV

Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days, and days turned to weeks. It's been exactly a week since Dimitri was placed in this hospital bed and a week since the war occurred - 1 week, 2 days, 4 hours, 15 minutes and 10 seconds and counting..

It was a shock to me to find him on this bed. I didn't know that silver had a huge impact on werewolves. Ugh, it's all my fault. If I didn't go to that stupid trip, and go all alone in the forest, I wouldn't have gotten anyone hurt. Yeah, not only was Dimitri injured, but also Becca and Kane. Fortunately for Kane though, he found his mate! Ruby. I knew they'd be mates. They were perfect for each other.. literally!

Anyway, I fidgeted a bit before getting comfortable in the not-so-comfortable chair. I don't even remember the time I took a shower, moreover eaten. I couldn't. Not until I knew that Dimitri was okay. I couldn't forgive myself with what I did. It's all my fau--

I suddenly heard a groan. I rapidly stood to where Dimitri was. "D-Dimitri?" I whispered. I looked up to him and noticed that he was staring right up to me, laughing. "Hey, baby." That's when I couldn't take it anymore. I slapped his chest. "You scared me half to death, you, you, piece of fudge cake! I was worried sick about yo-" I was stopped mid-word by Dimitri pulling me down, making me land right on top of him. I, of course, blushed. 

"You were worried sick about me, huh?" He asked, smirking, with his vibrant hazel eyes staring deeply into my soul.

"I-I--" I didn't get to finish my sentence (well, word) before Dimitri went over and attacked my lips. It was fireworks. Our lips moulded perfectly together. I wanted this to last forever. That's when he pulled away. 

"Wow, can you believe it? Our first proper kiss in the most 'idealistic' place. A hospital bed. To be honest, I have an idea of what else we can do." He said, winking.

"A-and what exactly do you plan on doing?" I asked, already knowing where that'll lead to. 

"It's better if I show you than just tell you if you catch my drift." He smirked once more. Oh, boy. 

Little did I know that this was going to be the best hour of my life. Yes, hour. Don't ask what or how we just had multiple rou- okay I'll stop.

• • •

It's only been a few days since Dimitri miraculously healed (I wonder why ;)) and let's just say that tonight will be a night to remember, and by that, I mean that Dimitri will finally introduce me to the pack as their Luna! Even though this is really exciting, it's also quite nervewracking, because, I mean what if they don't like me? What if I'm generally not fit to be Luna? What if--

'I suggest you shut that pretty little mouth of yours up before I shut it for you.' Dimitri said in the mate mindlink. Oh yeah, we mated, and so now I feel connected to him. Literally. I quickly shut it, blushing. "Oh, I meant duct tape. Don't get any wrong ideas." He said coming over to me and smirking at me. I slapped his chiselled chest. He laughed.

"Are you ready?" He asked, in all seriousness. I breathed in, and nodded. 

"You'll do great. I promise." He said, right before kissing my forehead. I hope so, too. He then left, to introduce why he's setting a pack meeting up. I looked down at my white, lace gown. It really was beautiful. Becca, Ruby, Amelia and I went shopping the other day for dresses for my ceremony, and I came across this beautiful dress. It truly is magnificent. 

"Anyway, I'd like to introduce your Luna, Brooklyn Martinez." This is it, my heartbeat increased and my breathing was uneven. I quickly walked towards the stage, and all eyes were automatically on me. "Some of you may have seen her around the pack house, and must have wondered 'what is a human doing here?' well, I can safely say that Brooklyn, your Luna, is a half werewolf. The rarest of our kind. I trust that you'll treat her as how my mother was once treated." 

"May she rest in peace." The pack chanted, right before looking at me for a few more seconds, and erupting with cheers as I smiled. I looked over to Dimitri and to the knife in his hand. I breathed in. I knew what he was going to do now. I placed my hand on his open one, and he quickly slit a line on my palm. I winced slightly, and his eyes were all filled with regret. I nodded as he placed his other hand over mine, shaking it. I could then feel it all. All the connections with the pack members, and with my mate. It felt amazing, really. I breathed in, smiling. We did it. We finally did it. 

"Now it's time to meet your pack, baby. One by one." He replied to me, smirking. My eyes widened. This was going to be a long day.. But it was going to be worth it.

• • •

Hey guys, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not only will I be posting this chapter, but also another one, so stay in tuned for more chapters! I can't believe that we only have about five to seven or so chapters left of this story.. It's really amazing how much I developed over the months of creating this book, and the journey we all went through together.

 Anyway, please vote, comment and follow me for more updates on this story and I'll see you next time! Toodles!


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