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Brooklyn's POV

I stared up at the sky as I was deep in thought. I was at this cave I found a few days ago, so it was sort of my thinking spot.

I was at loss for words. A few days ago, if you'd tell me that exactly, I'd just laugh in your face and ask you to go to a mental institution - but now, I actually have proof of their existence.

'Freaky.' I thought to myself.

I stared at the glowing stars as I kept thinking about it and my mother, but mostly about a certain hazel eyed guy.


Even though he was quite creepy at first, I could see where he was coming from. I mean, having a mate must be amazing, so having one person designed to be for you, is probably like a dream come true, so I could understand how he was acting quite possessive and stuff every time I was around. I mean, he literally beat up a guy for me..

I shivered at the thought.

Ok, time to go home.

I got up from my laying position and dusted my clothes and headed out of the cave.

A few minutes later, I arrived at home. Thankfully, the lights were closed, meaning that Dimitri might've left.

I sighed and opened the entrance door, the coldness slapping me across the face, making me shiver. But not the good kind.

Something was wrong, I could feel it. I carefully walked up the stairs and towards my room. As I opened the door, I literally almost screamed. There, on my mirror, was scruffy, red handwriting - probably from one of my red lipsticks. It read, 'My dear cupcake, it won't be long until I come for you. They don't deserve you. ~Shadow.'

I whimpered and hoped that this was a prank, but deep down, I knew this definitely was not one.

I silently prayed that this 'Shadow' person would just leave me alone.

Should I tell someone?

• • •

I woke up to birds chirping. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I felt awful. My eyes probably had bags under them, from my lack of sleep - ever since last night, I couldn't get two things off my mind, one being Dimitri, and two being that creepy Shadow guy.

To be honest, the only thing.. well person that was always in my mind was Dimitri. Dimitri, Dimitri, Dimitri.

No matter how much I try not to think about him, he always seems to be crawling back in my mind.

I screamed out in frustration, and decided to just get ready for school - even though I seriously wasn't bothered to.

I dressed up in an oversized sweatshirt and shorts and threw my hair up in a messy bun. Looking at my appearance, I shrugged, I stared at my mascara and decided - for once - not to wear it. I then slipped on some sandals and grabbed my bag and phone.

I walked down the stairs and out of the door, not bothering to see if my mother was in the kitchen. Call me over dramatic, but if someone was to say that they're a supernatural creature and have been lying to your face for the past seventeen years, you'd know how I feel.

Sighing, I walked to school, dreading it already as I spotted multiple people staring at me. I ignored their heated gazes and dropped my head down.

I entered the hallways and walked towards my locker. I wasn't bothered to talk to anyone, I just didn't feel like it at all.

Suddenly, I heard way too familiar voices whisper to themselves.

"Oh Goddess, she looks terrible." Daxton said, out of the blue. Gee, thanks Daxton..

"Wow, and I thought what Dimitri did last night was disastrous. But at least she looks better than him.." Ame replied. I frowned, what did he do?

"Disastrous? Amelia, are you kidding me? He literally teared the whole house down thinking she rejected him." This time, I gasped. What the f*ck did Dimitri do?

• • •

'Sh*t.' I thought, as I entered Dimitri's home.

This place looks trashed.

I looked around and literally cringed at the sight. There were broken pieces of glass everywhere, the couch looked misplaced and upside down, the TV was on the verge of falling from the wall, to say the least, this wasn't even half of the damage he did. I walked up the stairs, trying to remember where his room was, but to be honest, it wasn't that hard.. all I had to do was follow the vodka bottles..

The door was slightly open, so I pushed it, revealing Dimitri, with his hands in his hair, and elbows on his knees. I almost gasped at the sight of his room. Vodka bottles were literally scattered everywhere.

I stepped inside, making Dimitri's head snap to my direction. He had bloodshot eyes. Literally.

He looked like sh*t.

He stared at me with disbelief. "Are you real..?" He slurred out, stumbling towards me.

I stood rooted to my spot. He reached out to me, and flinched before saying.. well drunkly saying, "You don't like me, you hate me.. I deserve that..".

"What did you do to yourself?"

"I love you. But you don't love me back."

My heart ached for that.

"I don't not love you.. it's just it was a lot to think about.." I answered, trailing off.

"Do you love me?" He asked, looking at me with his deep hazel eyes.

"Yes." I answered, without thinking. He then hugged me murmuring 'you feel real'.

Wait.. Did I just say that?

Yes I did..

What the hell?

Even though my mind said no, my heart was literally screaming yes. I didn't know what to pick.

And this might sound corny, but, deep down I always knew the answer for this question.

Yes I love Dimitri. A million times yes.

• • •

Da bish finally confessed! Wow. To be honest, I didn't know it would be this long for her to finally realise she liked him.

Haha, anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote, comment and follow me for more updates on this story and I'll see you later!


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