T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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Brooklyn's POV

"Ugh, I seriously can't believe that they're making us go on a field trip when we just got attacked!" Amelia gritted out, as we walked towards the school buses. "Well, this is a human sch—" Ruby was cut off by a rooster.

"And I can't believe that we're going to have to stay with you for all this time." Oh.. just Whoreissa.

"Whoreissa, shut it. Sh*t is supposed to come out of your butt, not your mouth." I accidentally mumbled to her. Oops!

"You b*tch!" She squealed out like a pig. "You will pay for this!"

"The only thing you will be paying for is your next plastic surgery." Amelia butted in, her fists jammed closed.

Meli— I mean, Whoreissa huffed, and strutted in the bus, with her replicas following behind her.

"We just owned her!" Becca suddenly said. Ame, Ruby and I just blinked at her, looked at each other, and walked off.

"Hey! Wait for me, guys!" She yelled, running towards us.

• • •

"Everyone! We just arrived at SunnySide Meadows! Make sure that you have all the equipment you need for this field trip. I will be looking forward to seeing all your work!" The teacher said to all of us right as we all rushed down and ventured off.

I, was assigned to the furthest area, so I got a head start, though, I did feel weird about this whole thing. I shook it off, and continued to walk into the forest.

A few minutes passed, and I was inspecting habitats. I was just using my magnifying glass to check what types of leaves belonged in the woods (for example, there could be some linear leaves mixed with oblong leaves in a bush).

As I was carefully writing the data onto my notepad, I heard a rustle of leaves coming from behind me. I quickly stopped what I was doing, and slowly but carefully turned around. My breathing was now ragged, my heart beat increasing by the second. My eyes widened, as I examined the person in front of me.

To say the least, the man in front of me looked vicious with his jet black hair, and his tracksuit bottoms, followed by his grey t-shirt. I looked at his face as he stared at me, with his unusual ruby red eyes. He looked familiar..

"Ahem, may I help you?" I said, stupidly, as I was ready to sprint in any direction.

"Yes, you can. Don't you remember me, Brook..?" He asked, feigning innocence. I sucked in a breath. "I believe I don't." I answered quickly.

"I'm your uncle. I don't know how you didn't realise sooner." He answered. My eyes widened slightly. Oh no.. He can't be..

"It's not possible.." I whispered, more to myself than to him.

"It is. I believe we have some unfinished business.. Why don't you come with me, Brooklyn, we'll get your mother to join us later. What do ya say?"

'Don't follow him. He can't be trusted.' My wolf answered at the back of my head. I wasn't planning on leaving with him.

"Uh.. You know, I'd love to.. I really do, but I'm currently on a field trip with my school, so yeah.. If you don't mind me, I've gotta go now. It was nice meeting you, though!" I said, before dashing away to wherever.

I could easily hear his footsteps nearing as I sprinted through the forest. I tried to speed up, but it was no use. He was faster than me.

It all happened in a flash. The next thing I know, I felt a ping on my neck, making me slow down. I quickly touched my neck and gasped, as I felt a warm liquid trickle down. I stopped completely, my vision suddenly turning hazy. I didn't know what I was doing. I looked down at my hand and almost screamed when I found blood. I tried contacting my wolf, but it was no use. It was as if my mind was turning off.

That was the last thing I thought off before slipping into oblivion.

• • •

Dimitri's POV

I shifted back as I walked towards the packhouse. I was finishing off patrolling around the Northern borders of the pack. I wiped a sweat off my forehead as I slipped on some basketball shorts.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to accompany my beautiful mate on the field trip, as I had some pack business early this morning, and of course, patrolling the borders. I was walking up the stairs, when suddenly I was mindlinked by the field trip teacher.

'Alpha! I-I..' He started.

'What?' I asked irritated.

'The L-luna-a..' My heartbeat rapidly increased.

'Alex.. What about Brooklyn?! What's going on!?' I asked urgently, with a hint of unsurety.

'She's.. gone.'

• • •

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating sooner, it's just that school has been eating my mind since the day I started Year 10. Year 10 f*cking sucks. I swear I'm actually rethinking my life choices.. Maybe I'll work as a stripper.. Maybe I can be like Cardi B! Ok.. just ignore what I just said.. lol.

Hopefully I'll upload more often, soon. So, thank you for reading this chapter. Please vote, comment and follow me for more updates on this story and I will see you later!



Alpha DimitriOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz