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Brooklyn's POV

So, basically, I really shouldn't have skipped school yesterday. We got like tons of homework and I don't understand one bit. I mean, seriously? I think I'm going to actually change my career choices and become a stripper instead, that way, I earn much more money, without using brains!

Ugh, just kidding, that would probably be embarrassing, anyway.

The bell rang, cutting me off my bubble of thoughts. It was then, the lunch period - the time I was most looking forward to. As I was putting my stuff in my locker, it suddenly shut. I put my hand on my heart and looked at the person responsible. I then hardly glared at her. In the flesh - Whoreissa Carson.

"Ugh, what do you want, Whoreissa, some people have better things to do than look and listen to your voice talking on and on." I sighed, looking at my nails, as if I'm losing interest already.

"You b*tch! I'm giving you one last warning. Stay away from Dimitri or I swear to the heavens you'll regret ever disobeying me."

For some reason, this made my mind and heart flare, it was almost as if my mind was telling me 'no, Dimitri is mine'.

I snorted. "When pigs fly, is the day I'll start obeying you."

In a flash, she gripped onto my wrists, hard. I was struggling under her death grip, trying to wriggle out of it. It was sure to leave bruises. I didn't know barbie had this kind of grip.

"I'm warning you, Barbara. Stay. Away." She gritted out. At this moment, she looked constipated.

I'm not kidding. She looked like she wanted to hold a sh*t that was threatening to come out.

"It's Brooklyn, Barbie." I remarked, looking at her in disgust.

She then let go of my wrists. I winced and tried to massage them. I groaned and walked towards the bathroom to wash my hands and wrist.

Once I finished, I opened the bathroom door and slid out. I looked at my wrists again and noticed they've gone a blueish, purple colour. I winced.

This is going to be a b*tch to hide.

I walked to the cafeteria and opened the double doors, the scent of disgusting cafeteria food invading my senses. I looked around, trying to find a place to sit, and noticed Ame and Becca talking to each other. Ame closed her eyes, tilted her head upwards and looked towards me, smiling cheerfully at me, flapping her hands up and down, signalling for me to come. I rose my eyebrow and silently giggled to myself. I have such weird friends.

I walked towards them and greeted them.

"So, what's up?" Ame asked me, grinning.

"Uh, nothing much, why? What's going on?" I asked, putting my arms on the table.

Ame giggled and looked over to Becca who was almost as confused as me.

"Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on either." Becca replied, munching on her pineapples.

Amelia rolled her eyes and just said,

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