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Brooklyn's POV

Here I am, currently in Dimitri's room, wishing that I should've listened to Ame when she explained the directions.

F*ck. Me.

"You should've said so from the beginning, mío amore. I would've loved to." He said, his orbs suddenly clouded with lust.

Shoot I said it out loud.

My eyes widened and I dashed out of the room before you could say 'sprinkles'.

I heard him chuckle from afar, but that didn't stop me from running for my life.

I ran out, suddenly remembering where the cinema room was.

Jee, thanks brain for not remembering the directions for the bathroom yet knowing the ones for the cinema room.

As I zoomed towards my stack of pillows, my friends looked at me weirdly, before smirking.

"You look flustered, Brook, anything happen when you were in the toilet?" Amelia asked, winking.

I groaned and shoved my face in a pillow.

They started laughing, making me glare playfully at them.

It's not my fault that he's literally an angel that fell from heaven.

"OMG! I have a brilliant idea! Why don't we watch a scary movie! I mean, we did say that we were going to have a scary movie marathon." Rebecca suddenly said.

Amelia cheered and I just sat there, feeling uneasy.

"Uhh.. are you guys sure.. I mean we could just go back to watching Clueless or something.." I said, suddenly feeling nauseous.

"Nonsense! This sleepover is dead, let's watch it to liven things up a notch!" Ame said, jumping up and down and switching the movie to 'The Conjuring'.

Oh sh*t.

I sat, wishing the pillows would just swallow me whole.

We were a few minutes in the movie, and what startled me was a loud bang in the movie, which also startled the two girls in the movie. My eyes widened. Oh no.

I didn't want to watch it. I don't know why but it intrigued me even more. Just as I was about to say something, the door of the cinema room banged closed. Rather loudly, might I add. We all turned, looking around the room, scared out of our minds. My heart was beating rapidly. My breathing came out uneven. I was taking shorter breaths in. I was probably the most scared.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard everywhere. I was frantically looking around, hoping it all stopped. Since the light was dim, we couldn't exactly see anything.

"Boo!" Someone screamed out from behind us, making us all scream out loud.

I was covered my face in my hands, rocking myself back and forth, attempting to calm myself.

Laughter then erupted from a few people - three guys to be exact - I'm guessing, Daxton and Dimitri - whereas Ryder just smirked.

Alpha DimitriHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin