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Brooklyn's POV

"Dimitri.. I want to know all about the mating process.." I told him, coughing nervously at the end.

He choked on his water and stared at me. "A-are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Umm.. ok, so there are about three steps for us to be completely bound to each other. The first step is.. kissing. Then the second one is marking each other.. which I kinda already did.. sorry about that by the way." He said, smiling sheepishly at me. I waved my hand in dismissal.

"But since we haven't exactly kissed, we won't really be able to read each other's minds and stuff. Then.. there's.. uh.. theactualmating." He said, talking quietly at the end.

I furrowed my eyebrows together. "Excuse me?"


"I can't hear you, Dimitri." I frowned.

"The actual mating part is having sex." Daxton appeared and said bluntly.

Well.. things just got super awkward..

• • •

"Brook.. what are you doing? Get— Get back up here!" Dimitri shouted from across the hall.

"No way in hell am I sleeping in your room! You and your hormones can get the frick away from me!" I screamed as I walked down the stairs.

"Brooklyn! Stop being so stubborn!"

"I assure you, that you're talking about yourself, dear!"

"This is better than watching a movie!" Daxton replied, as he munched rather loudly on his popcorn, watching us in amusement, from downstairs.

"Shut up!" Dimitri and I screamed out.

"Brooklyn just get back here and stop acting like a baby!" He exclaimed.

"If I want to act like a baby, I'll be a baby! Either I go sleep in a different room, or I walk out of this house!" I shouted again, walking down the last step. Suddenly, I felt as if a whoosh of air ran past me. I looked towards the entrance and found Dimitri blocking the door.

"You're not running away from me. Now, we can do this cooperatively, or I'll just do it unwillingly. I prefer unwillingly, though." He said, smirking.

Ugh, I just want to wipe that annoying smirk off his annoying, IPad shaped face.

"I am not moving from this very spo— agh! Dimitri! Let go of me you, y-you.. malicious lampard!" I screeched out, hitting his back once I landed on his shoulder.

"Lampard? Is that even a word?" He asked. "And for your information, I am a hot, fabulous, amazing, deliciously mouthwatering, devilishly sexy male Go-"

I stopped him by pointing out, "That's a lot of adjectives for someone who isn't the slightest bit hot."

"Oh God I love watching you guys squabble." Daxton added.

"Shut up!" Dimitri and I shouted, once again.

Dimitri walked up the stairs, turned to a few hallways, and then landed in his room.

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