T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Brooklyn's POV

The bushes rustled, and suddenly, a man came out of nowhere, wearing just basketball shorts, making his six pack appear on full display.

The guy was hot, but he was incomparable to Dimitri.

Dimitri growled and gritted out, "What do you want, Simon?" Probably from him interrupting our kiss.. Oops..


He was panting like crazy, his hands on his knees. He managed to splutter out, "Rouges— Attack— School-..." That's all it took for Dimitri to spring in action. In a flash, he picked me up and dashed through the forest.

"W-what's going on?" I screamed, suddenly getting more anxious by the second, as we neared to his home.

"Rouges." Was his only reply before opening the door, running up the stairs, into his room, and pressing on the wall. Suddenly, a thumbprint popped out.

What the hell is he doing?

He placed his thumb on the print and the bed lifted up, revealing stairs leading to the underground.


He dropped me and told me, his eyes going dark, meaning this was no time to play around, "Stay in this place, don't come out unless my guards or I say so." Was all he said, before he left.

I looked at the place and decided to just go, I mean, what have I got to lose? It was quite creepy though.. I sucked in a deep breath.

I walked down the staircase, shivering as I descended down the gloomy, dark stairwell. I squinted my eyes, trying to see what or where I was. Suddenly, I spotted a light to my right. So, I followed it. Right until I spotted a lot of people sitting, and huddling each other.

As I stepped in, almost all of them took notice of me and turned around. They all stared at me. Some in curiosity, some in disbelief. After a bit, they bowed down to me. I smiled weakly and took a seat near me.

As I looked around, I spotted people that I was familiar with - some from school, and some I just saw around the pack house.

'They must be part of the pack' I wondered.

As I sat in the area, waiting for someone to at least tell us when the war was ending, there was a huge crash, and rumble. Everyone suddenly started to yell out frantically and horrifically.

I could hear cries of babies and mothers attempting to quieten their children but it was no use. They were scared.

I wasn't that great with kids. I never was, but I've always wanted to have a child of my own.

I walked over to a crying baby, looking at the mother for approval, in which she nodded, and I took the baby. I gently rocked the baby to the side and just like that, it started to quieten down and close its eyes. I breathed out a sigh of relief and passed the baby back to its mother.

We've probably been here for over an hour. Everyone was jittery. They didn't know what to do. I attempted to calm a few kids down but every time there was a loud noise, they'd wake up startled and start crying, thus making a cycle appear over and over.

All of a sudden, a huge, rock like door was rolled open. Out came a pack warrior, panting like crazy. "It's done." Was his only reply, before making way for the crazed women who rushed out of the den like there was no tomorrow. I was one of them. I quickly rushed out of the area and immediately started looking around for him.

I rushed out the mansion, my heart beating rapidly, looking for any signs of Dimitri. As I swiftly turned around. I spotted him. His abs and packs on display. I ran to him, and in open arms he lifted me up, hugging me like a teddy bear. "Are you ok?" I asked, suddenly worried about him, looking all over for any signs of cuts, but I did, however manage to spot blood on him. A heap load of it.

He chuckled. "Not my blood." Which somehow made me seem a bit uncomfortable.

But the most important thing is that he's alive and well.

Woah, okay I'm getting a bit too cheesy now, like Felicity.

'Hey!' She answered suddenly.

"I'm just going to quickly clean myself up; I'll be back." Dimitri told me, right before dashing up the stairs.

Today was.. eventful.

• •

Hey guys!! I'm so sorry, once again, for not updating at all! Legit I'm so pissed at the teachers for doing this to us, they're torturing us everyday! We legit get so much homework, and I hate my English teacher so effin' much, like if you're going to teach, at least do it right!

Lmao anyways I really hope you enjoy this terrible chapter, even though it's short, I didn't want to spoil too many things, because there's going to be more to come🤓

And pls don't attack me if this chapter doesn't make any sense in any way, I don't know what I was going for when writing this chapter, either 😂 so you guys are not alone

Bur anyways, thank you sooooo much for reading this sh*tty chapter, please vote, comment and follow me for more updates on the story and I will see you later on in the next chapter (lol I hope)


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