T W E N T Y - T W O

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Brooklyn's POV

What?! Since when did I have an inner wolf?!

'Since, like forever. I was basically kind of extinct - in a way, so I couldn't reach you when you were of age. Long story short, you're a werewolf - well, a half werewolf.'

'What does that mean though?' I thought to myself.

'It means you have the normal perks of being a werewolf but you can't shift into an actual wolf.'

'Do you have a name though?' I asked.

'Yeah, my name is Felicity.' She answered.

I took a while to process all the information.

Okay. This is it - I'm going mental.

But then again, anything is possible, since I now know that the supernatural exists.

'Anyway enough talk about this! Let's go to mate! Can I just say, that damn, I was enjoying the show when you guys were fighting.' Felicity added, sounding excited all of a sudden.

I just shrugged instead and debated on whether to go try and find Dimitri or not. It was a hard decision - mostly because of Fel's constant whining to see our mate.

To be honest, now I just miss my blank mind - without any annoyance coming from a so called inner wolf.

I groaned and walked towards the door. I opened it and walked out, into the direction of Dimitri's office. Before I got settled in my new home, Dimitri showed me around the mansion, and let me tell you, it practically holds like a hundred people! I'm just glad I didn't forget where his office was..

Though, Dimitri told me that he has four hundred pack members - slightly above average.

I pressed the button, to 'summon' the elevator, and yes, they had an elevator this whole time and didn't tell me!

They thought it was funny to let me suffer all this time!

I arrived at the door and opened it. There, Dimitri sat, basically buried with piles of paperwork. As soon as I entered the room, his head perked up, his eyes catching mine with his intense gaze. All of a sudden, he sniffed the air and growled. His eyes grew dark. He stood up from his chair and stalked towards me.

"Rouge." He spat out.

"Where the f*ck did you go, and who were you with?" He gritted out, slowly, as if trying to compose himself.


"What are you talking about? I wasn't with anyone."

"Stop lying to me."

"I'm not! Why don't you believe me? Don't you trust me?" I asked, a little hurt that he actually accused me of lying.

Once I said that, his eyes faltered, as he looked at me with his normal hazel eyes. His face, which once wore a scowl, turned into a frown.

"I didn't mean it like that, it's just that you reek of rouge.." he answered, "unless.." he continued, rather more to himself than to me.

He then shook his head and mumbled profanities under his breath. "Unless what?" I asked, intrigued.

"Unless you're not specifically 100% human.." he muttered.

"Uh.. well, I met my wolf today?" I said, which came out more like a question.

He froze and looked at me dead in the eye. "Impossible.."

"W-what? Why?"

He sighed, "You're either born a werewolf, or you're not. Since your mum is a werewolf, you should've been one too, since the gene is dominant, but unless your father also had the werewolf gene in his blood, then you would've been either human or a werewolf, there's no in between." He explained.

"But I am alive and standing right here - my wolf, Felicity, said, that I'm a half werewolf." I answered back.

His eyes turned black. "She has a beautiful name." He answered. My wolf purred in my head.

"My wolf, Storm wants to speak to her. Can you give Felicity full control?" He asked. I nodded but then stopped and smiled sheepishly at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh.. I d-don't know how.."

He chuckled. "Felicity will push you at the back of your mind. All you need to do, is allow her to." I nodded.

I suddenly felt myself being quickly pulled back in my mind. I listened to what Dimitri said and allowed Fel to take full control.

I just watched what Storm and Felicity were up to in the back of my head - and yes, that does sound weird.

• • •

After that, Dimitri finally forgave me - it's not that he didn't before, but I just had to make sure that he wasn't angry with me. Thankfully, he wasn't - which felt like a huge weight being pushed off of my shoulders.

So, we then fell asleep, for school tomorrow, obviously, since I was missing a whole lot of school work.

School was okay.. I guess. Apart from the constant stares I got from mostly everyone, and the death glares being sent my way by Melissa— I mean Whoreissa and her minions, school was pretty much normal..

Now, I decided to go to my mother's home.. you know, since I didn't exactly get to see her, ever since I moved.

Luckily, I had the address already, and her home was only a five minute walk from the mansion.

I knocked on the door and waited for my mother to open the door. The smell of lasagna invaded my senses. I breathed it in and sighed in delight. I always loved my mother's lasagna. It was literally like heaven.

The door opened, revealing my mother, spatula in hand, and with a cooking apron on.

"Brooklyn!" She shouted happily, before hugging me. I, of course, hugged her back.

"How are you, dear?"

"I'm great, mum. How about you? Are you enjoying living here so far?"

"Of course! Everyone here is so kind and friendly. Come in I just finished making lasagna!"

I walked in and looked around. I haven't been here before, and it already looked really homey.

I went to a room - hoping it was the kitchen - thankfully it was, and I sat on the chair. My mum soon followed after, holding the tray with her.

We ended up eating more than we actually thought we would, and gossiped all day.

When I ended up talking about me being a half werewolf, she told me something that I certainly couldn't believe..

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