Luffy stared at Sora for a few moments, wondering who this newcomer was, and why she looked like she was having the time of her life.

A light bulb popped out. "Oh, you were with Torao that time!" He said with a wide grin as he recalled the help he received from the Heart pirates two year ago. "Thanks for the help!"

"No problem!"

Law stared at the exchange with a frown. They were being chased with a poison gas and his plan was ruined because of Luffy's whims and they were calmly chatting with each other like they were close friends! Speaking of plans, Law realized that these two sucked big time when it came to following instructions.

And here he was feeling rather relieved that V wasn't with Sora, but maybe Luffy being near her wasn't exactly the best combo either.

After much thinking, Law decided to get it over with and told everyone to board the cart.

While the marines were busy guiding the children, the Strawhats finally noticed the extra figure beside Law and introduced themselves, as if they weren't being chased by a deadly gas that will kill them upon contact.

And of course, Sanji was the first one to act.

"Mademoiselle, what a pleasure it is to meet you," Sanji started, as if reciting straight out of a play. In a blink of an eye, he had already knelt down and taken Sora's hand, his other hand on his chest. "Ah, your twinkling eyes that are pulling me closer, your soft hair that is beautifully cascading--- everything about you is so captivating, oh beautiful lady. If I may have the pleasure, may I ask for your name?" He finished with a soft kiss on the back of Sora's hand.

"Sora." Sora said with a flat voice and a straight face.

There was a subtle change in Sanji's face, but he retained his smile, a soft look forming on his features. "Sora-chan..." He stood up, his gaze never leaving her. "I see. Even your name sounds beautiful."

With a raised brow, Sora slightly tilted her head. Was Sanji always this... calm when meeting a new girl? If she recalled correctly, he was always fawning over women left and right.

Before Sora could say anything else, a punch had already collided with Sanji's face, sending him flying away.

Sora looked to see who did that and saw a long orange-haired woman wearing a... bra as a top.

"Sorry about him, our crew is a group of weirdos, you see," the girl said with a tired sigh, a clear sign that she was fed up with all the shit in their crew.

Sora cracked a smile. "No problem. The guys in our crew are also sharing one braincell."

Although she already knew who they were, Sora listened as they introduced themselves. The pretty orange-haired woman shook hands with her and she introduced herself as Nami. There was another woman with silky, raven hair, and Sora thought she looked like the reincarnation of a goddess because hot damn. She was introduced as Robin. Lastly, the moss-haired swordsman was sitting on some pile of rubble, and Nami took it upon herself to introduce him in his stead as Zoro, the all-muscle-but-no-brains guy.

After a few more minutes of loading everybody else, Law had called Sora and helped her up the cart.

"I don't need your help, surgeon," Sora said as she climbed up the rope. Nevertheless, she accepted Law's hand and hopped over before landing inside the cart.

Law didn't say anything in reply but instead turned to the Strawhats, who were still standing below them. He told them to get on already so that they could leave, but Luffy had retorted and said that they were waiting for the rest of their crew.

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