Attack On Shinra Headquarters

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The team woke up early the next morning, immediately throwing on their outfits. They all then dropped down into the secret hideout of AVALANCHE. There, Barret was already loaded for the mission. "Y'all ready?" He asked, to which Cloud and the others replied with a nod. Barret then led them out to where the Highwind was. Cid was already up top, ready to lift off the second everyone got on. Link look astonished as he walked onto the Highwind, as he had never seen anything like it before. He took a few minutes to look around before finally settling down on the deck. Naruto then sat down next to him.

"Yo got a minute?" Link looked at him and nodded. "What's up?" "I've been wondering...why are you dating Sakura?" "Well...she confessed to me...and I just so happened to have feelings for her too." "But, why Sakura? Couldn't you have dated Zelda?" "Zelda is out of the question...her father stated he only wants her to date royalty." Naruto looked down. "Well that must suck...I mean, nobody in the village will date me..." Link patted him on the shoulder. "Actually, I'm sure we already know somebody who will date you." Naruto then looked up. "Who?!" "Well, there's Hi-" Before Link could finish his sentence, Yuffie jumped up onto the deck.

"AHA, THERE YOU ARE!" She shouted at Naruto, who jumped up. "WHY DO YOU KEEP FOLLOWING ME?!" Yuffie scoffed, "Because you're my rival and I wanna fight!" Naruto then jumped up. "OH YEAH?! BRING IT ON!" He proceeded to push Yuffie off the part of the deck that they were on and started to fight her, while Link got up and walked away. He went over to where Cloud and Tifa were and listened to their conversation.

"I just wonder how you got it..." Tifa said. She was examining Cloud's Geostigma, which seemed to be ailing him. "It had to have been when I killed Sephiroth. There's no other way I could've gotten it." Link felt concerned bringing Cloud along on the journey if he was in such a bad state, but overall, he knew it was best to keep him around. He finally walked to where Sakura was sitting and sat down next to her. She then looked at him and smiled.

"Hey Link~" She said. He smiled back at her. "Hey Sakura. Naruto seems pretty downcast about us being together." "I know...and I actually feel bad, but I have a plan." Link looked at her with a confused look in his eyes. "What's your plan?" "So you know how Hinata has a huge crush on Naruto? Well...I figured that we could set them up-"  Suddenly, Cid spoke on a loudspeaker. "EVERYONE. WE'VE ARRIVED AT THE NEW SHINRA HEADQUARTERS."

"I'll finish that thought later." Sakura said, quickly getting up. "For now, we've gotta focus on this mission." She smiled at Link and skipped over to Tifa. Link went back over to Cloud and Naruto and followed them off of the ship.

The headquarters were a tall building, which seemed virtually impenetrable, however once the now larger band of heroes got off the Highwind, Barret blew open the front doors, which obviously set off a loud security alarm

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The headquarters were a tall building, which seemed virtually impenetrable, however once the now larger band of heroes got off the Highwind, Barret blew open the front doors, which obviously set off a loud security alarm. Link, having been prepared for a situation like this, equipped his Stone Mask, which made him "invisible" to the naked eye. The others fought off the many soldiers that appeared, as Link ambushed them from the shadows. He eventually stole a key card for the place from one of the soldiers and alerted the team that he got it.

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