The Villains Revealed: The Return of Ganondorf and...Sephiroth?!

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The heroes exited the Lost Woods and entered the Kokiri Forest, but when they got there, they saw the cloaked figure, surrounded by all of the relics.

"I've had enough of this, who are you?!" Link said. The figure let out a cackle. "You ask far too many questions, "hero." " The figure finally spoke. "That voice..." Naruto said. "It can't be..." The cloaked figure removed his hood. "That's right, it's me...Kabuto Yakushi!"

Link looked shocked. "You two know each other?!" "...yes." Naruto replied. "He's the servent of my worst enemy..." "I don't care who you are. Our orders were to stop you from bringing Ganondorf back to Hyrule." Cloud said. Kabuto laughed. "You're already too late." He did some hand signs for a summoning jutsu, as well as a reanimation jutsu.

"Why is he using reanimation hand signs?" Naruto thought to himself. Suddenly, the sky went dark, and two figures appeared from the ground. "G-Ganondorf?!" Link shouted. "Sephiroth?!" Cloud yelled.

"'ve done well Kabuto." Naruto and Sakura turned around in horror. "OROCHIMARU?!" They both shouted. "Ah! Lord Orochimaru, you've arrived just in time. I've finally revived them." "Very for phase two of our plan. Ganondorf, Sephiroth. Go to Hyrule Castle and retrieve that princess." Orochimaru ordered.

"And who are you to tell us what to do?" Both villains said at once. "Well...I'm the one that brought you back. Together, we shall all rule over the dimensions, and collide them together!" Ganondorf and Sephiroth smirked. "Now you have our attention. Ganondorf, King of Evil, at your service." "And Sephiroth, the rogue soldier, at your command."

The two ran towards Hyrule Castle, while Naruto and Cloud chased after them. Link was about to do the same, but Orochimaru caught him with his tongue. "And just where do you think you're going, little boy?" Link struggled. "LET ME GO!" Sakura just watched in horror. "Link...I'm sorry...I can't do anything..."

"IT'S OKAY SAKURA, JUST RUN!" She tried to run, but Kabuto blocked the exit. "You're not going anywhere." Orochimaru then began examining Link. "You'd make a suitable replacement body..." He was about to bite Link and give him a curse mark, but a Goron suddenly rolled into him. "Darunia! Thank Hylia that you're here!" Link said. "LORD OROCHIMARU!" Kabuto screamed. He ran over to aid him. "Link! Hurry to Hyrule Castle Town, a strange silver haired man is attacking the town alongside Ganondorf! I'll deal with these two clowns!"

"Right! Let's go, Sakura!" Link said and Sakura nodded. They ran out of the forest together, arriving at Castle Town a little later. It was almost in ruins. "Finally!" Naruto shouted. "Those two freaks are attacking the castle, and Cloud went after them." "We need to hurry!" Link said as he ran ahead.

Eventually, they made it to Zelda's quarters, but it was already too late. "Well well well, the heroes are finally all together." Ganondorf chuckled. "...but in the end...they failed." He was holding Zelda in his arms. Kabuto and Orochimaru arrived at that very moment. "Sephiroth, Kabuto, Orochimaru. Let's go." The villains all opened the door which Naruto and Sakura had entered Hyrule from, and traveled through the portal inside.

"Th-That was...The Leaf Village!" Naruto shouted. "We've gotta follow them!" Link said, rushing into the portal, and his teammates shortly followed.

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