The Beginning Of The End

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As they fly over the Northern Crater, the heroes notice that the sky turned into a pitch black. "Is this how it always looks around here?" Link asks Cloud, who shakes his head. "There's definitely something wrong here..." Cid lands the Highwind on a cliff near the entrance to the crater. "Never thought we'd ever return here..." Tifa says, watching as Cloud and the young ones get off the ship." "Yeah...however it's probably best that you guys stay behind, just in case things get bad." Cloud says, and his friends nod, Tifa's expression grows visibly more concerned. On the way over from Mt. Nibel, Cloud explained everything that was going on to her. It was bad enough that his Geostigma was getting worse, but now Sephiroth was in the picture again, and there was no telling how powerful he'd actually be.

"Just be careful..." She says, and Cloud assures her he will. He then leads Link and the others through the cave to the crater. "Man, this place gives me the creeps..." Naruto says, lighting the area with a small lantern. "Tell me about it." Sakura says. "It's so dark...and you never know what might jump out at us..." As the heroes descend deeper, they notice bits of the Lifestream flowing nearby, all into the room ahead. They follow it, leading them directly to Orochimaru's gang and the still unconscious Zelda. "There you all are!" Link shouts, alerting the villains of their presence. "'ve finally arrived, Hero of Time." Orochimaru exclaims. He then sends a snake at Link, which wraps around him. "What the hell are you doing to him?!" Naruto yells out, jumping at the sannin with a Rasengan in hand, only to be shoved aside by Ganondorf. "Foolish boy, you're getting involved in matters you shouldn't. We won't harm him if he cooperates with us." 

"I'll never cooperate with any of you!" Link shouts, trying to break free of the snake's hold on him, to no avail. Sakura then tries to help him, only to be knocked down by Kabuto. "WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING ON DOING TO HIM?!" She screams while Orochimaru cackles. "All we need from him is the Triforce of Courage. We know he's the one who bears it." Link slightly breaks free and launches a Deku Nut, which blinds the snake and allows him to get free.  "There's no way I'll let that happen!" He then jumps at Orochimaru, sword in hand, but is knocked aside by Sephiroth. Ganondorf then picks Link up and proceeds to surround the two of them with a dark barrier. He then extracts the Triforce of Courage from Link and tosses him aside, dispelling the barrier. The Triforce then recompletes itself and Orochimaru cackles. Link tries to jump at the villains in an attempt to stop them, but they teleport out of the way, causing him to fall into the Lifestream. "LINK!" Cloud shouts, casting a barrier on the hero as he plunged down the hole.

Sakura screams out for Link, trying to jump in after him, but Naruto grabs her. "Are you crazy?! I get you love him and all but who knows what falling in there will do to you?! You're being stupid!" She then realizes he's right, and stills herself, proceeding to glare at Ganondorf. "You'll pay for what you did to him..."  She rushes at the Gerudo king, rapidly punching him, but he just reflects her punches and sends her flying back. Naruto then summons some shadow clones and tries to hit Ganondorf with multiple Rasengan, but is also sent back. Ganondorf and Sephiroth both charge up some energy and launch it directly at the heroes, but Cloud reflects both and rushes at Sephiroth, only to be stopped by Kabuto. "What the-" Cloud exclaims, as Ganondorf rushes behind him and hits him with a Warlock Punch, sending Cloud flying into a nearby wall, knocking him out cold. Orochimaru then touches the Triforce. "I wish for a dimensional merge!" The Triforce then flashes a golden white, as the ground starts shaking. The villains all teleport away, while Naruto grabs the unconscious Cloud as him and Sakura run back out to the Highwind as quickly as they can. 

When they get back outside, Tifa runs up to them and instantly panics as soon as she sees Cloud's condition. "What's going on?! What happened in there, and where's Link?" She frantically asks. "We got into a fight with Orochimaru's gang after they took the Tri-whatever from Link, and then he fell into the green water stuff! And then Cloud got hit by Ganondorf's massive punch..." Naruto explains as Tifa grabs Cloud and brings him onto the Highwind. She places him in the Chocobo stable and returns to Naruto and Sakura, who had already boarded the Highwind. "So Link fell into the Lifestream...that's no good...when Cloud fell in there he got Mako poisoning..." Tifa explains. "As he was falling, Cloud casted a barrier on he should be okay...right?" Sakura says with a worried expression forming on her face.  "I'm sure he will be! We should try to look for him though." She smiles at Sakura, who gives her a faint smile back. Tifa then runs to Cid and tells him of the situation. "Alright! Let's get moving!" Cid says as he starts the Highwind up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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