The Fire Temple

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The group hurried up Death Mountain, arriving at Goron City much faster than expected. The Goron people welcomed Link and his companions and took them to Darunia.

"Hey Brother! It's been awhile since I last saw you! You've grown!" "Heh...yeah...I've been traveling and eating many different foods, especially my forest greens." Link scratched the back of his head and laughed.

"But have you been eating your rocks?" Darunia asked with a grin. "No...I can't find the right ones." "Brother...any rock, is the right rock.. As long as you believe." The two laughed for awhile. "But back to the reason I've summoned you. A strange shadowed figure was spotted around the Fire Temple by one of my men. According to him, the person hasn't left the temple since entering, so they're still in there. All I ask is that you four enter the temple and locate the person."

Link nodded, as did the rest of them, and they followed Darunia. Darunia opened the secret entrance to the crater of Death Mountain and let the team pass through. Link led the others to the temple. "So that's the Fire Temple? It's so small..." Naruto said, looking disappointed. "Trust me, looks can be deceiving." Link told him. The heroes entered the temple one by one.

"Wow...this architecture is beautiful..." Sakura commented. "Wait until we reach the higher floors." Link replied to her comment. "The architecture combines with the mountain and it meshes nicely...however, judging by the last time I was here...I think we might only have to be here for a little bit." Link signaled the team to follow him as he opened a nearby door.

He took them to a room with a pillar in the ceiling. "Hmm...that figure clearly went into the next room...however, to get over there we need to get to the room upstairs from here." "And how do you suppose we do that hero?" Cloud asked Link sarcastically.

" this world, nobody besides Zelda knows I'm the Hero of saying things of  that sort kinda hurts." "Awe Link, I'm pretty sure you're an amazing hero!"  Sakura said, glaring at Cloud like she was about to murder him."W-woah sorry, I didn't mean to offend your new boyfriend!" Cloud grinned. "SAKURA YOU LIKE HIM!? I'M GONNA KILL YOU LINK!" Naruto screamed.

"Relax Naruto, I'm not interested in her." Link explained. "Cloud.." Sakura's eyes burned with rage. "SORRY SORRY!" Cloud exclaimed, but to his surprise, Sakura punched him on the top of his head, burying him underground. "Guys, let's hurry!" Link yelled. "We don't have time to play around." Everyone then followed Link, still angry at one another.

The team made their way over to the room on the other side of the temple's entrance. This room looked almost entirely like a cavern with a wooden bridge over the bubbling lava. "Link, are you sure you know where you're going? One minute we're in a temple and the next we're in a cave."

Naruto was questioning everything up to this point, which was irritating Link immensely. "Didn't I say that the temple's scenery blends with the mountain?" "Oh right, you did." Link rolled his eyes. After climbing up a few caged walls, escaping lava, fighting some Flare Dancers and receiving the Megaton Hammer, they finally reached the room right above the pillar.

"HEY! THERE IT IS!" Naruto jumped with joy as he said that, while Link approached the pillar. "Stand back everyone..." He hammered the top of the pillar, causing it to fall down into the room below.
" that that's over with, we need to get back down...brace yourselves." Link jumped down the hole where the pillar once was.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Naruto shouted. Sakura pushed him down the hole and also jumped down, with Cloud following shortly after. After landing, the team entered the door on the side that they couldn't reach prior. Inside, there was a huge mound of rock with tiny pools of lava on it. A cloaked figure sat in the middle of the room, facing the door.

"Hey, you! Who are you and what is your goal in summoning Ganondorf?" Link shouted at the figure, who didn't respond with words. Instead, he rose his arms and summoned a Fire Golem. Afterwards, he teleported out of the temple, with the Goron's Fire Crystal in hand. (This relic was used by the Gorons in religious ceremonies.)

The Fire Golem began its attack on the heroes. It slammed its fist onto the ground, sending them into the air. Link used this to his advantage by using the extra height gained from the slam to smash its head with the Megaton Hammer. The Golem then fell to the ground, which allowed him to slam its back with the hammer.

"Wow...this kid is smart..." Cloud thought to himself. "Such courage..." 
Sakura said in her mind, staring in awe at Link. "I would have never thought of that..." Naruto thought. Cloud used his water magic Materia to weaken the Golem. "Wow, that's pretty cool, Cloud!" Link said. "Thanks, Link!" He said, actually showing that he was honored. Link landed one last blow to the Golem, causing it to crumble and fall into the lava.

A blue portal appeared in the lava pool in the middle of the room. The heroes stepped into it and were taken back to the crater of Death Mountain. From there, they returned to Goron City and told Darunia about the theft.

" he stole the Fire well as the Goron's Ruby." Darunia said, disappointed. "Yes...and we still don't know who or what he is..." Link replied. " should probably get going. He's most likely headed for Zora's Domain." Darunia fist bumped Link, and sent them off. "Alright guys, let's go visit the Zora." Link said as he ran down Death Mountain.

"Wait...Link." Sakura said. "Hm?" He replied. "You were really brave when you fought the Golem..." She said, blushing a little bit. "I was wondering...if you could protect me while we're on this quest...I'm not really the strongest out there." "Sure! Of course I will!" He said with a grin. Sakura smiled, and the team continued on their way.

The Legend of Zelda: Warriors Between Dimensions (Part 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant