Into the Hideout

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Inside the hideout was dark, gloomy and full of sand

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Inside the hideout was dark, gloomy and full of sand. "This place gives me chills..." Naruto said. "Me too..." Sakura replied, moving closer to Link, who was oblivious to anything. Cloud commented on the constant hissing, but everyone brushed it off.

"There are so many doors in one hallway..." Link said. "The jutsu caster could be in any of them..." "Split up. That way we'll cover more ground." Cloud suggested. Everyone nodded and spread out. Link had went all the way to the end of the hall, discovering that one of the doors had a recognizable lock.

"This one requires a big key...Ganondorf must've casted this..." He opened a nearby door and found himself in a huge room from which hissing could be heard. "...snakes." Meanwhile, Cloud was dealing with a bunch of zombies, which were actually people who Orochimaru considered suitable replacements for his body.

"How many people can one man keep inside a room?" Cloud thought as he cross-slashed at the people, who were clearly out of it. A treasure chest appeared and he opened it, and got a small key, which most likely opened the door that was at the opposite end of the room. He proceeded into said room and saw loads of quicksand. "Hmm..." Cloud threw a grenade at the ceiling of the room and part of it came crashing down, forming a bridge over the sand. "Alright...I wonder what lies ahead..." He ran across the bridge and entered the next room.

Link had fared off against the snakes and found the big key, but he decided to move a little further to find a new weapon to add to his arsenal. He eventually found a new sword, called the Snakeskin.

He placed his Kokiri Sword and it's sheathe into his pocket (of infinite space) and put on the Snakeskin's. "Nice!" He ran out of the set of rooms and waited in front of the locked door at the end of the hall. 

Naruto had been running around a few rooms at the opposite side of the hideout searching for Sasuke. "HEY! SASUKE!" The boy shouted, but the only attention he got was that of snakes. He fended off against them and found loads of ryō. "Well this is obviously getting stashed!" The Uzumaki shouted with joy. Afterwards he had also ran out.

Sakura had found a few extra things while exploring. She had found her own empty bottle, in which she could store medicines and things like that, a pack of kunai and one of Orochimaru's handbooks containing some of the jutsu he had learned. "CHA! LET'S GO!" She shouted and ran back to the main hall.

Cloud had found himself in another gauntlet of zombies, and defeating them earned him a chest full of ryō. "Hmph. Nice." He explored deeper into the hideout and found a lab. "What's this?" He looked into a large test tube and saw a person with the features of a snake. "How disturbing..." Cloud walked all the way back into the main hall. The rest of the team was already in front of the door leading to whoever was casting the tornado jutsu.

"Alright...on the count of three. One...two...three." Link unlocked the door with the big key and they all walked in. This room was like a large arena. The jutsu caster stood in the middle. "So...I take it you're Link." The caster said, revealing itself as a man.

"Yes I am...but who are you?" The hero stood with his sword and shield in hand.

"Who I am doesn't concern you. For these are your last moments. Arise, great snake..."
The hissing the heroes had heard earlier returned as a snake came from out of the cage at the end of the room.

"The hissing the heroes had heard earlier returned as a snake came from out of the cage at the end of the room

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The jutsu caster hopped onto the snake's head and pointed at the heroes at the heroes.
The snake then lunged at the heroes causing the hideout to cave in.

Debris rains down crushing zombies and threatening the end the heroes. "What are we gonna do! We're gonna be crushed!" Naruto screams. "This is just great." Cloud says.  "Everyone! Get by my side! NOW!" Link shouted as a rock slammed into the earth causing the ground to tear apart. Link pulled something from his back pocket, And lifted his arms in the air light cutting through the darkness. "NAYRU'S LOVE!" Link shouted as a huge crystal began to form as rocks enveloped the area. "I can only keep this up for a minute so please come up with something fast!" "Okay this is perfect I've been waiting for a chance to use this" Cloud said grabbing a large red marble from his pocket. Glowing symbols started to appear around Cloud as lightning struck the rocks outside the crystal. Then ice encapsulated the area and shattered braking the rocks into small pieces as the shards of ice turned to fire melting the remaining ice and and exploding right as the crystal shattered. The jutsu caster stood atop the snake. making hand signs while struggling to keep the snake under control. Just then an eight eyed bull with massive spiked horns appeared, it stomped shaking the already unstable earth knocking the caster off the burnt snake just as Naruto made 2 shadow clones, throwing Link at the writhing snake. Link pulls out a fire arrow and shoots the snake in the eye. A split second later he's on the snake's head, his blade embedded in its skull. The snake flailed around launching debris in all directions as it gasped its last breath. The jutsu caster made hand signs and slammed his hand into the ground. The Jutsu Caster was covered by a stone barrier, Naruto made two shadow clones to form a Rasengan and bust through the stone. The moment the Jutsu caster was out in the open an arrow shot through his throat . Blood splattered onto Naruto's face as the caster fell to the ground.

Cloud threw a grenade at him, finishing the job. The snake then disintegrated, and a blue portal appeared in it's place. "Did we just...kill a guy?" Naruto asked, shocked by the experience. "Sometimes you've just gotta do what you gotta do." Cloud replied. The heroes all stepped into the portal and were taken back to Sunagakure.

The tornado at Otogakure had clearly grown weaker. It's winds were weakening and the clouds above the village were clearing. Orochimaru took notice of this and got nervous.

 Orochimaru took notice of this and got nervous

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"Those kids...actually took down one of my snakes?!" Orochimaru had a quick scare, but he brushed it off. "Hmph...that snake was weak. Allow me to send out one of my monsters." Ganondorf remarked.

Back in Suna, Link and his crew searched for Jiraiya, but he had since left to go back to Konoha.

"Well, where to next? We've got three more places to check." Naruto asked, looking at the map. "Hmm..." Link pondered for a moment. "Let's go there next!" Link said, pointing at one of the countries on the map. "Yeah! Let's go!" Naruto shouted.

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