Don Corneo's Return

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Link and co. walked until they reached the Wall Market. "Is this the place?" Link asked. "Yes it is, but the place we're really trying to get to is all the way at the end of the alleyway." Cloud signaled for Naruto and Link to follow, and they did. He took them to Don Corneo's mansion, where there was a man standing in front of the door.

"Ay, spikey, you ain't allowed around here. Don't think we forgot about what went down with you." Cloud facepalmed. "Look. I'm not here to dress up as a woman. I'm here to ask you a question. Has a girl with bright pink hair been dropped off here?" Cloud questioned the man. "Oh, you mean Sakura? Yeah she's here. Why you askin'?" "No reason." Cloud played it off.

"The Don's gonna have a FUN time tonight. We've got two YOUNG girls today." The man snickered, while Cloud looked disturbed. He walked back to where he left Naruto and Link. "Alright guys. Sakura is in that mansion up ahead, however, I'm gonna need one of you guys to disguise yourselves as a girl for us to get in." Link looked at Naruto. "Well, you're the one who can turn yourself into a ''girl,'' so why don't you?" Naruto seemed keen on the plan, so he agreed. He used the sexy jutsu and picked up a nearby dress, changing into it.

 He used the sexy jutsu and picked up a nearby dress, changing into it

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Cloud then handed Naruto a transmitter. "Use this to let us know when to bust in." He then hid behind a barrel alongside Link while Naruto approached the man in front of the mansion's door.

"Just a side note, never let him do this again after today." Link told Cloud. "Right." Cloud replied. The man in front of the mansion saw Naruto. "Heyyyy, welcome to Don Corneo's place. Are you here for tonight?" The man asked. "Yes I am..." Naruto replied. The man then examined Naruto to make sure it wasn't another "Cloudia" situation. "Alright, follow me." He took Naruto down to the room where Sakura and this other girl with orange hair were being held.

Upon entering, Naruto noticed that the place looked like a torture dungeon. Sakura then walked up to the "new girl." "Hey, I'm Sakura. What's your name?" Upon further inspection, she noticed that it was Naruto. "NARUTO?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" "Calm down, I'm here to break you out." All of a sudden, the door opened. "Alright ladies, it's time for the Don to make his decision. Come on up." The three were escorted up to Don Corneo's quarters, where the man himself was waiting.

"Well well well, looks like I have three lovely ladies tonight." He got up from his seat and went and inspected each of them closely, pondering about which girl he wanted most. "I've made my decision." Naruto was sweating bullets, and Sakura looked frightened. The other girl wasn't amused either. "I'd like...the lovely blonde girl! I just LOVE blondes! Guards, you may take the other two." The other two men took Sakura and the orange haired girl away, while Don Corneo escorted Naruto into his room. Naruto whispered to Link and Cloud to hurry in. The two ambushed the guy outside and ran into the mansion.

Meanwhile, the Don was sweet talking Naruto, who just wasn't interested at all. "So...tell me a bit about yourself." The Don kept making advances, but Naruto ignored them all. "You don't seem all that interested...why is that?" Don Corneo asked. "Well...that's because..." Naruto then hopped into the air and threw the dress off, transforming back into his normal self. "... I'm a boy." Don Corneo freaked out. "WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE BLONDES?!"

Suddenly, Link, Cloud and Sakura busted in. The Don immediately recognized Cloud. "You?!" Cloud then stepped up to Don Corneo. "Yep. Remember me?" He then put the Buster Sword to his neck. "Tell me why you kidnapped this young teenager, and attempted to let your men do their will with her?" Don Corneo then explained his plight. "You know what kind of person I am..." Cloud sighed.

"Listen up. If you give me some information on Shinra, maybe I'll let you go." The Don then explained to Cloud that some strange man appeared pretending to be Rufus Shinra had recently appeared and announced his plan to revive all the Mako Reactors. Cloud then tied him to his bed and left, as did his teammates. They all returned to Tifa's 7th Heaven, preparing for the big mission ahead of them.

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