Welcome to Konoha!

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"...My head..." Link woke up in an unfamiliar room. This room had a different coloration than any room in Hyrule. Naruto, Cloud and Sakura woke up afterwards. Naruto ran up to the door and opened it. "I'M HOME! AND LOOK AT THAT!" He shouted, with a huge grin on his face, looking at the newly-bought ramen cups on his table out of nowhere. 

"I'll show you guys around!" Naruto exclaimed, asking everyone to follow him.  Link looked out the opened door to see a huge village, about ten times the size of Kakariko. Behind it was a huge monument with four faces on it. "Wow...I didn't know that you two lived in such a huge place..." He was astonished.

"Well...I wouldn't say huge." Sakura laughed. Link ran out of the building and slid into the village. The other three followed. "We should introduce you all to everyone." Naruto suggested. Link agreed with the idea, nodding to show approval.
As the team walked around the village, Cloud suddenly remembered everything that happened the previous day. "Shouldn't we be hunting for Sephiroth and the other villains?" "They're probably long gone by now." Naruto replied. "Eh...true, but where could they have gone?" Cloud looked around. "Probably the Hidden Sound Village. That's where Orochimaru hides out." Naruto responded. "Don't even think about looking for it, we can't even find it."

"Ah..." Cloud said. They continued walking around until they met Kakashi. "Oh! Hello Naruto, Sakura. How's the mission going?" Kakashi asked them. "It's going great, Kakashi-Sensei!" Sakura grinned. "Are those the other warriors?" Kakashi inspected the others. "Yep, meet Link, and... Cloud.." Sakura rolled her eyes. "Hello!" Link waved. "Sup." Cloud said, just as sarcastic as ever. 'Didn't know wannabe-emo's could be considered smart enough to be teachers' Cloud thought, referring to Kakashi's mask and his headband, that was covering his right eye for whatever reason.

"Well hello." Kakashi said. "I take it that you all work great together as a team?" "Eh...sometimes." Link scratched his head. "Well, I know that you will all get there eventually. By the way, Lady Tsunade wanted to see you all once you got here, so be sure to stop by sometime." Kakashi explained. "Well, I best be going. I've got work to do."

Kakashi waved and disappeared. "Yeah right...work." Naruto thought to himself. 

As they continued walking, the team ran into Team 10. "Oi, Naruto! Is that you?" Shikamaru called out. "Hey Shikamaru, Choji and Ino! It's been awhile!" Naruto replied.

Sakura and Ino glared at each other. "What's up, Billboard-brow?" Ino picked at her. "Not much, Ino-pig." "Looking for Sasuke so you can claim him for yourself?" Ino asked. "Yes I'm looking for Sasuke, but I'm not gonna claim him. My heart doesn't long for him anymore." Sakura replied, sticking her tongue out. Ino laughed. "Oh really? Then who are you longing for? Naruto?" "That's none of your business." Sakura flipped her hair at Ino, "And it's DEFINITELY NOT NARUTO!" Sakura yelled at Ino, who stormed off angrily. "Sheesh, what's her deal?" Choji asked, completely confused by Ino. During the argument, everyone else got acquainted. "I don't know...but we should deal with her. It's a pleasure to meet you Link and Cloud." Shikamaru said as he and Choji ran after Ino.

After walking around a little more, they saw Team 8. 'Definitely the best team, other than mine of course!' Naruto thought and chuckled. "Hey, look! It's Naruto and Sakura!" Kiba exclaimed and ran over to them, holding Akamaru, alongside Hinata and Shino. "H-Hi N-Naruto-Kun..." Hinata said, blushing madly.

"Hey Hinata!" Naruto said, smiling at her. Link watched the two interact and smiled. "Hey Naruto, I think this girl might have something for you!" Link smirked, hoping he didn't have to deal with Naruto trying to kill him anymore. Hinata quickly blushed even deeper, hearing Link say that.

"Huh?" Naruto was confused about what Link told him. He then approached Hinata. "This is Hinata, she's totally awesome, and with her byakugan, she's unstoppable!" Naruto exclaimed with a bright grin on his face.  Hinata suddenly fainted, as her heart couldn't take anymore Naruto for the time being. "What's a byakugan?" Cloud asked. "It's a distinct eye technique that occurs naturally in the members of the Hyuga clan." Shino stepped up to explain. "It allows the user to see the chakra pathway system clearly. When used with the Gentle Fist, the user can control chakra flow." Shino went on. "Wow, big words there," Cloud responded. "That's how Hinata explained it." Kiba said nervously, "Woah, Hinata must be really smart!" Naruto's eyes lit up. "Maybe she can teach me a few things!" 

"It's called common sense, Naruto." Sakura rolled her eyes. "I didn't know anything about the Byakugan until Hinata taught me, so not really, Sakura." Kiba explained. "Whatever." Sakura sighed. "I'll explain it in an easier way for Link, and I guess Cloud." Sakura taught the others. 'She.. could be useful..' Link thought to himself. 'and it sounds like she has high intelligence.' Link thought about Hinata. "Who are these two blondes?" Kiba asked. "I'm Link! And this is our teammate, Cloud!" Kiba shook hands with them. "The name's Kiba Inuzuka! And those two are my teammates Hinata Hyuga and Shino Aburame, although he doesn't say much. Oh! And this is my dog, Akamaru!" Akamaru barked. "I'm trying to teach him a new move, Dynamic Marking!" Kiba smiled.

"Kiba, don't even try to demonstrate it." Shino said. "Aw, alright, well...it was nice meeting you two." Kiba said, picking up Hinata and frowning. "See you around!" Link said, smiling.

"Alright...it's been fun walking around the village, but we REALLY need to see Lady Tsunade." Sakura explained. "Right..." Naruto said. "Let's go see her.

On the way to Lady Tsunade, the team ran into three more people. Lee, Neji, and Tenten.

"Hello, Naruto!" Lee waved. "Bushy-brows!" Naruto smiled. "Hey Sakura, Naruto!" Tenten smiled as the rest of the team walked closer. "Hey, Tenten, how are you?" Sakura asked. "Great, thanks for asking." Tenten replied. "Oh Sakura, please marry me, you are so beautiful!" Lee got down on one knee, blowing kisses to Sakura, which she then dodged. "Fat chance, eyebrows." Sakura mumbled, much to Lee's dismay. "Lee, stop being such an idiot." Neji said, sighing. "You won't get stronger if you spend all your time drooling over Sakura." Lee suddenly jumped back up. "You are right, Neji, I am sorry." Lee said, tears in his eyes. "So Naruto, who are these guys? Why didn't you tell me you had new training partners?" Lee asked, still sobbing. "Oh, these two are Cloud, and Link. They aren't my training partners, we're just on a mission together." Naruto explained. "Oh, I see!" Lee said, looking at them. "Man, they sure look odd." Lee responded. "Speak for yourself, bowl-cut." Cloud said rolling his eyes, arms crossed.

The heroes finally walked to the Hokage's office. "Ah! Lady Tsunade! They've arrived!" Shizune said as she opened the doors to the office. The heroes walked in and entered Tsunade's quarters.

"So you've finally arrived." The Hokage said. "Yes...we have. I am Link, Hero of Time." He bowed on one knee. "And I am Cloud Strife, Hero of the Lifestream." He also bowed. "Why are you guys being so formal to grandma Tsunade?" Naruto asked. "She's just an old bag who likes gambli-" Naruto suddenly got smacked into a wall, but not by Sakura, by Tsunade. And it only took one finger! "W-woah, scary." Cloud shivered. "No need for introductions. I already know about your heroic exploits because of Princess Zelda." Tsunade sighed. "However...I've stopped receiving letters from her as of late..." Tsunade explained.

"Well...that's because...Orochimaru got her." Naruto said, rubbing his wounded face. "WHAT?! OROCHIMARU!? HAS HE BEEN BEHIND THIS ALL ALONG?!" Tsunade slammed her bottle of sake on the desk. "Yes...and he's also revived two evils from other worlds." Sakura said. "This is horrible...well...there's work to be done. I'm sorry to say, but I'm gonna have to send you all as a search party. However, I'll give you all the week off, since you look like you all haven't slept in days." Tsunade said. "That's not an overstatement..." Cloud said. "Alright...it's settled. Take the week off."

The heroes then left the Hokage's office and went their separate ways. Link went to go train his sword skills in a nearby field, while Sakura watched. Naruto and Cloud both ran to Ichiraku, preparing to have a feast. This next week may be very interesting for them.

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