Ruto's Resolve (W.I.P)

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The group continued their trek to Zora's Domain. Suddenly, Cloud stopped. "I hear something...sounds like a fat whale choking on its own blubber...?" "It's coming from Zora's Domain. I can tell." Link said as he ran up the winding path. He played Zelda's Lullaby on his ocarina and the waterfall pass opened. He led the group into the domain, where they find King Zora sitting on his throne, crying. Link then approaches him, wanting to know the reason behind his crying. "King Zora...what is ailing you?" The Zora King then looks at the young hero and his companions. "Ah's you? This is truly amazing news...Princess Ruto has set off for the Water Temple in Lake Hylia, chasing after this strange cloaked man..." Link and the others gasp at what they're hearing. "So let me get this straight...your daughter chased this guy to a lake...and you didn't send a single soldier after them?" Cloud remarks, thinking about how absurd the whole situation is. "Well...I did...however, he came back telling me that Ruto refused to listen to a word he had to say...she is quite stubborn after all." King Zora shakes his head as he says this.

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