An Unfortunate Situation

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During the trek to Midgar, the team noticed a figure standing near the ruins. Cloud brought the buggy to a stop and looked at it.
"Hey, you!" Cloud shouted at the figure, who then looked at him. The figure walked over to the buggy, revealing himself as Sasuke Uchiha.

"S-Sasuke..." Sakura muttered, staring deep into the cold Uchiha's eyes. "Well well well...if it isn't Sakura... and Naruto...?" Naruto was still out cold. Cloud, Link and Sakura all stepped out of the buggy and faced Sasuke. "So, you're Sasuke Uchiha?" Link asked. "Yeah... but why does it matter to you?

"We were ordered to take you back to the Hidden Leaf, and we aren't leaving until we have you." Cloud said. Sasuke shook his head. "Well then you're out of your minds. I'm not returning to the Leaf for a long time." Sasuke then looked at Sakura.

"And why are you here? You're far too weak to be on a big mission like this." Sakura looked at him. "I'm not weak..." Sasuke smirked. "Prove it." He ran at Sakura with a Chidori in hand, when Link suddenly pushed her out of the way, causing Sasuke to hit him instead. Link then fell onto the ground, instantly passing out. "LINK!" Sakura screamed as she ran to Link, trying to tend to his injuries. Just then a pink glow emerged from Link's chest, a small winged creature appeared from under Link its figure unable to be made out through the blinding light, the creature flew around Link's body revitalizing him in seconds. Link stood up fixing a yellow rabbit band to his head and vanished from sight. Sasuke activates his Sharingan following Link's movements. Link appears right next to Sasuke and launches a punch at him. Sasuke blocked the punch with his arm... 

Sasuke slams into a rock coughing out blood and clutching his arm with a look of shock on his face. Sasuke watches as Link unfastens a golden gauntlet from his arm and slips on a blue mask with a skull painted on it and aims the hookshot at Sasuke. Sasuke only has a split second to dodge before the hook embeds itself into the rock. Sasuke makes it a good six meters in two seconds before Link smashes into the rock head first just as it explodes. shards of stone cut into Sasuke's arms as black flame-like marks emerge from Sasuke's neck covering the left half of his body. Sasuke signs for a fire style jutsu while Link pulls something from his back. "Fire Style, Great Fireball Jutsu!" Sasuke spits out a massive fireball melting nearby rocks from the sheer heat. The fireball shoots at Link faster than the blink of an eye, Hitting Link directly. A split second later, the fireball comes barreling back at Sasuke, who just barely manages to dodge it as it hits a tree burning it to ash. Sasuke watches as Link puts a weird looking shield with the face of a screaming man on his back. Link looks back at Naruto to make sure he wasn't harmed in the attack. Sasuke sees this as an opportunity and forms a Chidori in his hand and rushes towards Link at break neck speed as a faint melody can be heard. Sasuke slices right through Link, cutting him in half. Links body hits the ground and Sasuke smirks and looks at his hand "No blood..?". He looks at Link's body, only to be met with an ugly grin. 


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Sasuke realizes and instinctively ducks down, Dodging a slice from Link's sword. Sasuke kicks Link in the face, launching him in the air. Sasuke jumps up in the air and grabs Link's back and goes for a kick and Link blocks it with his arm but Sasuke quickly flips over and slams him with his arm. Sasuke drags Link to the ground with his arm and right before they land, Sasuke flips over and shouts "LION COMBO!" landing a devastating kick on him sending him crashing into the ground. 

Sasuke is about to finish Link off when Cloud runs in with the Buster Sword slashing at Sasuke, but he blocks it with a sword of his own. They both jumped back, eyes locked waiting for the other to make the first move. As lightning begins to form in Sasuke's hand Cloud rushes in ready to dodge the attack. Cloud is about to strike Sasuke when he shoves the Chidori into the ground, causing electricity to stream in all directions shocking Cloud causing him to drop the Buster Sword. Cloud makes a barrier just in time as Sasuke cuts through it like butter. Cloud throws five grenades at Sasuke hoping one of them lands. Sasuke waves his hand, shooting out hundreds of electric needles pinning the grenades to rocks exploding them. Cloud gets hit by the needles paralyzing him as Sasuke stands over Cloud laughing, "Pathetic. Good luck trying to beat Lord Orochimaru if that is all you can muster." "Go fuck yourself!" Cloud cursed as Sasuke began to walk away. Cloud grabbed a green pearl from his pocket and looked at Sasuke as he was enveloped with flames, incapacitating him. Cloud picked up Sasuke and Link carrying them over to where Naruto laid. "Sakura, can you tend to Link's wounds while I bind up Sasuke?". "Okay!" Sakura shouted as she began to heal Link. A few hours pass, and Cloud checks up on her. "Are we ready to go?" Cloud asked. "Yep! We are all set." "Good. Link, are you alright?" "I think. I'm just exhausted." "Alright. Let me take a look at our supplies real fast."......

Cloud opened his eyes, covered in blood. "Cloud! You finally woke up! Are you alright? You were under a genjutsu!" Sakura says, as Cloud lifts himself from the ground. "Ugh...Genjutsu? What's that? And where'd Sasuke go? I just had him..." "A genjutsu is an illusionary tactic used by ninja to lure their foes into a false sense of security. Also I didn't see where he went...I was busy tending to Link's wounds..." "Huh..." Cloud gets up and heals himself with a potion. "That Sasuke guy is something else..." "I know..." Sakura says. "He used to be different...but he's changed. He's too far removed from the Sasuke I loved...and it's honestly kinda scary..." Link sits up as he hears her say this. "You have nothing to fear. I won't let him harm you...or Naruto." Sakura smiles lightly. "Thank you Link..." Cloud then looks over to the sleeping Naruto. "We...probably shouldn't tell him what transpired here. He'd flip his lid." Link and Sakura nod in agreement. "Well...I guess there's nothing we can do but head over to Midgar." Link says as he motions the others towards the buggy "Let's go."

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