Well kinda. I gained a few good pounds, I let myself completely fall over the goods of the easy life that I had stopped working out for 2 months. Harry would always whine about me not doing him the favor, but after I realized my jeans shorts wouldn't even fit, I knew I had to train to keep myself back in shape and healthy, because really, eating nonsense food and snacks and laying down all day isn't healthy at all. But I got back on track 3 months ago and I have to say I'm very proud of how far I've come. I'm not that skinny as I used to, but I’m fit and I like my body that way. You don't really have to be skinny to be good looking, that's something I couldn't understand a few years back, but now I do.

"What time is the barbeque party again?" Niall asked, sitting down at the chair lazily, reaching for his shades on the table.

"Uh, I think 8?" I said, uncertain, scratching the back of my neck." I didn't really catch it, some times Liam talks way too fast for me to catch on." I explained.

He chuckled, nodding. " Lets call him up. " he said, tapping on his phone's screen. After two rings, Liams voice came through the speaker." Hello?"

"Liam, we just finished your 6th workout it was pretty intense but we still have our lungs. " Niall joked, having us laughing.

"I'm glad you made it. I finished mine 20 minutes ago, the lads are still joking around in the water. " he said disapprovingly.

For three times a week, Liam, Ashton, Louis, Zayn, Harry and Thomas all go to the beach to train and play beach football later, but I wasn't surprised that the training stopped in the middle.

"I bet Louis started it." I said.

"Well obviously - nobody else ever interrupts training than Louis! " he stated frustratingly.

Niall cackled, " That's exactly why I train with Claire - she never stops training until she's finished."

I flipped my hair dramatically as I smirked, causing him to laugh. "I'm so done babysitting these boys I swear." Liam grunted sounding irritated.

I tried to hold back a laugh as Niall bit his lower lip. "What time is the barbeque tonight, man? "

"Come around at 8, Zayn said take your swimsuits if you want to so we can go midnight swimming at the beach later. "

"I'll pass, I don't want my ass bitten by a shark. " Niall grimaced, causing me and Liam to laugh.

"Alright then, we'll see you tonight, Liam." I said, standing up.

"Bye, eat your proteins. "

Niall laughed before hanging up, "Daddy Liam always. " he shook his head, amused.

I agreed nodding as we both walked back inside my house. Loud noises coming led us to the living room, where Theo and Lux were both playing with their toys on the floor, their backs pressed against the couch. They have grown so much and tanned a lot, looking like little cute siblings although they are not related. Both blonde and cute button blue eyes.

"What's up guys, how are you?" Niall asked with a huge grin, kneeling down beside them.

"You stink." Lux scrunched up her nose.

I couldn't help but laugh as Niall looked at her both shocked and amused. "Why thank you, little girl version of Louis. " he said, standing back up.

"That is so true. " I agreed, giggling.

After a few minutes, footsteps coming from the hallway caused me to turn around, only to see Harry and Thomas walking in as they joked about something, both of them having sand in their hair.

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