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The next updates could be triggering to some readers.

Rosé didn't mind it at first. She thought that Junhoe will be late for a day. She thought that he must having a hard time sneaking out or maybe his father is not leaving their house yet so he can't leave too.

But a day turned into a whole week.

She started to worry a lot. She can't even focus managing the shop, good thing Jisoo, Lisa and Jennie are there to be her support.

"He probably re-scheduled or maybe there's no ferry that will sail this week? Let's just wait, I'm sure he'll come back." Jisoo said trying to make Rosé calm down.

Rosé sleep almost everyday now in Junhoe's apartment, expecting that Junhoe will come home anytime soon.

One night, Rosé decided to sleep in Junhoe's apartment when she saw Byunggon who's standing in front of the door. He's like waiting for someone...or rather waiting for her.

"Noona!" Byunggon said.

"Byunggon? What are you doing here?" She asked, when she's in front of him already, she saw a box just beside his feet.

"I...I'm just going to tell you something. I...I few weeks ago, I came to visit my father."

Rosé's heart beats faster the moment Byunggon said that. If he came from his father, maybe he knows where Junhoe is?

"That's...W-Where's...Is Junhoe with you?" That's the only thing that came out from her mouth.

Byunggon bit his lower lip. His expression changed as soon as she asked him that. Then he nod.

"R-Really? Is he inside?" Rosé immediately turns around to open the door but Byunggon stop her by holding her wrist.

"He's not there. He's here." He said and bowed down to open the box that's on the floor. He took out something from it.

A black jar.

Rosé can't understand what's happening. She can't seem to comprehend what's Byunggon was trying to tell her.

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