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"It takes a pasta to make Junhoe smile"

Rosé cooked pasta for dinner and she purposely cooked a lot to give Jinhwan some.

Okay it's not just jinhwan who she wanted to give, she also wants to give to Junhoe... to thank him for the coffee, she guessed? But she also made up her mind that she wanted him to be her friend. Junhoe might be the kind of guy who's not really making friends, she don't even see him talk to other people and those past years that he's buying baby's breath from her, she never really saw him smile nor heard his laugh. His reaction is always the same, poker face. It's like he has no other emotion other than being that cold.

So she wanted to be friend with him. Though it may be hard, she'll try.

After she prepared the pasta and the sauce, she walk to the building apartment where Jinhwan lives. It was a 5 minute walk from her apartment. When she arrived in front of Jinhwan's door, she started to ring the doorbell but no one's opening the door. When she's about to ring the doorbell again for the 4th time, the door to the right side opened and it showed Junhoe who's just wearing a white plain t-shirt and black jagger pants and his hair's a bit damp.

Rosé started to panick when she saw Junhoe.

"Um hi?" She greeted and gave him an awkward smile. The latter didn't even smiled back and stared at her for a few seconds with his usual bored look.

"No one's there. I saw your friend go out earlier... while I was throwing out the trash." After he said that, he was about to go back inside his apartment and close the door when Rosé called him.

"Do you want some pasta? I... I cooked a lot but... since my friend's not here, maybe... you can have some?" Rosé smiled showing her perfect set of teeth which made it more awkward while Junhoe's reaction is still the same.

"Don't worry! I didn't put anything harmful to it. You won't die hehe."

"Saying that makes it suspicious even more." He said, still has this cold tone.

Rosé thought that Junhoe will go inside and close the door in her face but Junhoe just opened the door even wider and stood beside it. He stared at Rosé who's still awkwardly smiling at him.

"Are you going to stand there or do you still want me to put a red carpet for you to come in?"

"D-Do you... want me to go inside?"

Junhoe just give her his bored look, it's like telling her if she's dumb or what.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." He said.

"Saying that makes it suspicious even more." Rosé answered repeating what he said earlier.

She stepped inside his apartment and she didn't know if she was just seeing things or what... but she is sure that she saw him in her peripheral vision that Junhoe's side lips rose...

Did Junhoe just smile?

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