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"The most obvious thing is dying, the most tragic thing is die inside while living." Girl, this is deep and sad. Lisa said as she's folding back the piece of paper that she got from the pocket of poems.

She put her elbows on the counter and leaned her body forward, "That ghost guy is surely sad. Most of his poems are sad and it makes me wanna cry." She added.

Rosé scoffs as she look at Lisa over her shoulder, "But his poems were actually great right? They're sad but they're still worth to read. I keep lots of it since he start putting poems 2 years ago because not every customer that buy here gets it. Some were really not interested."

Lisa shrugged, "But why do he just appear every month of April? Do you really not see him around? Like this town is so small so it's really weird to not see him just walking by the street, buying something or whatever?

"I once asked the lady who's selling cute hair clips outside that coffee shop." Rosé said and point the coffee shop using her chin that's standing outside the other side of the street. "She told me she rarely see him and it's always the month of April."

"What if he's really a ghost? Lisa gasped.

"Here we go again. He's not a ghost, Lisa."

"Yah, ghost have superpowers to fool us. I know it because I saw it on TV."

"Yah stop watching that kind of show. It's not even real. He's not a ghost okay? He's just strange. He's maybe an introvert, that's why we don't see him outside that often."

Rosé crossed her arms against her chest. Yes, she's really find it weird about this ghost guy or... June but she never really thought of him being like that plus it's really stupid to think that he's a ghost. He's so mysterious that Rosé wants to know him more or make him as her friend atleast.

"Yah why do you keep defending that ghost guy??? Don't tell me you're really attracted to him?" Lisa gave her an accusing look.

"I'm not! It's just that we don't know him so we're not allowed to say anything about him okay?"

Lisa shrugged again and put the piece of paper in her pocket. Rosé's right though, it's not right to judge someone just because they're different? But for Lisa, it's interesting to see her friend, Rosé that seems so interested for a guy. They have guy friends but none of them really made Rosé this interested.

"Why don't you try to talk to him more?" Lisa suggested which is a very obvious stupid suggestion because she knew that this June guy never really talked that much.

"Lisa, did you really think I never do that before?"

"I was just suggesting! Because you know communication is the key. Maybe talking to him very often might be the way for you to be his friend---"

Before Lisa could even finish her sentence, the bell rang from the door. A sign that someone came in the shop. Rosé's immediately cover Lisa's mouth and starts signaling Lisa that someone is behind her. And speaking of the devil.....

"Maybe that's the reason why I tripped earlier. Someone's talking about me non-stop." June said in a cold tone.

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