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"Your Baby" flirthoe strikes again

"Yes. Of Course." She smiled which Junhoe answered again with a nod, still looking at her like he's memorizing her every details. Rosé got intimidated so she looks back at the screen.

"D-Do you want to eat something sweet?"

Junhoe shifted his seat, making his upper body face Rosé side. "No. I want to take my payment."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"The payment. Earlier?"

"I told you I won't pay you!" She can't believe that he's really opening it up right now.

"Yes I know but I'm talking about a different payment? You really forgot about it?"

Rosé's forehead crease. What is he talking about?

He sighed, "Okay, let me make you remember."

Before Rosé could even say a word, Junhoe cupped her face and kissed her. She wanted to protest but her body can't even move. Her mind said to stop but she finds herself kissing him back.

Junhoe deepens the kiss. They're both longing for something they never had. She put her arms around his neck and pulls him more closer to her while Junhoe snakes his arms around Rosé's waist and lift her a bit to make her sit on his lap. Rosé shrieked and let out a giggle. They both pull away from the kiss and stare at each others eyes.

Rosé can't help but to caress Junhoe's face, she smiled at him before she give him a peck on his forehead.

Junhoe just kept on staring at her until she noticed that his eyes are a bit red and moistened...her heart that is already beating so loud and fast increased. Is he crying?

"H-Hey...Are you okay? W-Why are you crying?" She panicked. She cupped his face and check him out if he's hurt somewhere or what. "Are you hurt? Did I hurt you somewhere?" She keep asking when Junhoe holds her right wrist and sighed.

He chuckled, "I'm not crying." He said in a soft voice that gave her shivers. He looked up to her with the same red and moistened eyes.

"Yes, you are. Look at your eyes. It's red!"

"Maybe I'm crying because you're just so beautiful." He said.

Rosé couldn't seem to sink in her mind of what he just said until Junhoe put his arms around her waist again and do his favorite thing to bury his face in her neck. He honestly love her scent and he wants to remember her scent forever. He wants to memorize her scent, the sound of her voice or even the sound she makes whenever she's just walking or doing completely nothing. He love every bit of it...every bit of her.

Rosé chuckled at what he just said and comb his hair with her fingers, "You're such a baby."

"Your baby." He said in her neck.

"Ew. You're really bad at flirting."

"Am I? But you like it though."

"You wish."

He just scoff a smile and tightens hig hug and closes his eyes.

"You really smells so good."

🌹Petals & Papers 📃Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora