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and that reality is approaching...

"So I've decided to talk to her. I...I told her what my father has been doing to me. I told her I wanted to stay with her and live with her... I told her I don't want to live with my father anymore but it seems like she didn't heard me. She said she doesn't have to do anything with me anymore because my father chose me and she said that as if I am not her son. I begged...but it's not enough."

Junhoe's tears started to drop on the sheets of his bed. He started sobbing like a child being left by his mom. It broke Rosé's heart seeing him this weak. She can't imagine how painful it is for him being rejected by his own mother. But all she could do right now is to hug him tight.

This is the first time that Junhoe admitted that he's scared. He's scared to back to his father. He's scared to face his reality again...

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