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Rosé just sigh until they reached in front of her apartment building. They both stopped and she face Junhoe, looking up to him. "See?"

Junhoe nod, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay? Though there's nothing to do tomorrow because there's no order like earlier so the shop's not that busy. You should've not quit your part time job." She said.

"I don't need the part time job. By the way, you got to go inside, it's getting cold already and you're wearing thin clothes."

Rosé hugged herself because she feels cold now. Junhoe's right, she's wearing thin clothes and now she's suffering from the cold breeze. Junhoe just smiled at her, looked at her for a moment and then he turn around and walked away from her. But before Junhoe could even disappear from Rosé's sight, she called him.

"Are you taking another walk again?" She asked which he answered with a nod.

Rosé took a deep breath, "Maybe we could have dinner together before you take another walk? Uhh... I have a ramen in my apartment if that's okay with you?"

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