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The bell from the door rang, it's a sign that someone entered the shop. Rosé turned
around from fixing the flowers to greet the customer before she realized who it was.

It was that strange guy again. She expected that he'll come for the first day of poetry month.

"Good day! Baby's breath?" She greeted.

"Uh yes, and a small paper.. and ballpen.. please." The guy hesitantly asked.

Rosé smile never left her lips. She gave the guy a small paper and a ballpen just like what he asked for and she started to arrange the baby's breath flowers that he ordered.

She glance at him as he's busy writing, "An ahjumma next door really likes the poems you wrote. She's always asking me if you already write something in every poetry month."

The guy stopped writting and look at her, "She even wants to know your name." She added.

Ok let's say that the ahjumma really asked once the name of that strange guy... but Rosé's also curious about him. She kinda wants to be friend atleast since he seems like he's just living around this small town. She just usually see him on every month of April. The other month, it's like he doesn't really exist. Some people even think that he's a ghost because he only exist on every April, but Rosé just laugh if off because they once bumped into each other and she confirmed that this person is alive. He's just strange.

The guy just nodded at what she said and continue on what he's doing. After she finish fixing the baby's breath flowers, she gave it to the guy who was just done writing on the small paper. He's now folding it.

Rosé gave the flowers to him and he paid it.

"Ju-ne." The guy suddenly said which made her confused.


"It's Ju-ne, my name." He said as he turned around and walk towards the door to drop the folded paper in the pocket and left Rosé's shop without even looking back at her.

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