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"April's going to be over soon..."

Junhoe was taken aback by her sudden outburst, he can't speak because Rosé keeps talking.

"You should've sleep in the house! I thought you were dead!" Rosé sob while Junhoe's hold her wrist tighten.

"I'm...I'm sorry."

"You should!"

Junhoe took a deep breath before pulling Rosé for a hug.

"Because I'm worried you dumbass!" Rosé said, still annoyed, her face was buried on Junhoe's chest, "And you're still wearing the clothes you wear earlier. What if you catch a cold?!"

"Why are you so worried?" Junhoe kept asking her. He can't help but to smile.

Rosé stopped and pulled Junhoe away from hugging her. She wipe her tears on her cheek and look away while Junhoe is looking at her.

"L-Let's just go back. They're worried too." She said and stood up but before she could even do that, he pulled her back to where she's sitting which made the latter squeal.

"Can we stay here for atleast five more minutes?"

Rosé gulped and unconsciously nod to his request. Why does everything that Junhoe ask her, she always nod like a puppy? Does she like Junhoe this much? Is she this whipped for him?

He just give her a timid smile and looked straight to the dim view in front of them. Rosé's just silently sitting right beside him, her heart still beating so loud.

"April's going to be over soon." Junhoe started. A cold wind pass by them, good thing Rosé is wearing enough clothes to protect her from the cold but she's too worried for Junhoe's feeling cold too since he's wearing the clothes he used to swim earlier in the beach.

"Yeah..." She just answer because she knows what will happen when April's over.

Junhoe will leave and live his miserable life again with his father.

"I'm calling April my freedom month because I'm free from my father's fist and other terrible things but even if it's April and I'm away from him, I can't still feel that freedom.. I'm still a prisoner of my own miserable thoughts." He opened up, he sighed and stop for a moment.

Rosé looks at him, she saw again the same sad smile from him.

Then he continue, "But I will say that this month is actually the freedom month. A literal freedom and I would like to thank you for that." He suddenly looked at her which made her almost jumped out. Junhoe smile at her, a sincere one.

"W-What did I do?" She asked, nervously.

He shrugged, "I never really had friends and I was never really treated this way before by anyone. I always feel like an exception. A person who doesn't have a place in this world. Someone who's not even needed. So I would like to thank you."

Rosé smiled at him, tears started to pool again in her eyes by Junhoe's sincere words. Junhoe's really that kind of person who might look like a cold person outside but he's really a person full of sincerity inside. His heart is too pure and she doesn't know why people around him--in his hometown are treating him so unfair.

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