A/N 2

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So, current update of life. Still no job, going to school and training to become a massage therapist, working out my schedule and yep. Still a little hectic but I plan on updating at least once a month. 

The main plan for this was to prove to myself that I will and am able to complete a story. I have a bad habit of starting something and not finishing it and this is one step to improve myself. To be honest there is many stories that I want to write. There is many outlines, brain storms, and planning that I have done, but I never quite finish my stories.

I decided doing a fanfiction, of what I think is my favorite reverse harem/ otome, would be a good stepping ground to improve myself as a writer. To be honest, I don't really want much. All I want is for people to read my stories and go to some place else. I want to improve my writing skills and show people what my imagination has to offer.

The only reason why I say this, is because when I was younger, my siblings and I would play games where we would live in the forest in the trees, or a cabin in the woods, even monsters lurking in castles. Then, my youngest sibling who is 8 years younger than I was playing games with her friends. I noticed something that really bothered me.

Every time they would mention something in there game or change something, they would always say, "Pretend this" or "Imagine that". Those two phrases bothered me so much because I thought that transporting yourself to another dimension and living in that area even if for a brief time was, something easy to come by.  That you didn't have to "pretend", that it was there because it was.

My friends and I, even with my siblings it was something easy to do. Then I noticed that alot of kids "Pretended". It bothered me so much because my imagination has always been an escape for me, even when my imagination was horrifying, I still preferred it over the real world.

Even to this day I feel the same way. That my imagination or the imagination of others are able to take me away from the mundane and irritable to a place where, it's not where my problems are.

My imagination when I was younger and even to this day sometime's I still think of it. The moon was my best friend and he knew all of my secret's. Yes, I said he, deal with it. The wind would whisper secrets and jokes to me. Every animal and plant was their own being and their own stories. The waves held untold tales that only certain people could hear. Then the stars kept records of all the stories, and only some could see all the stories.

The storms were natures tears and anger. A sunny day all was happy and right. A night with no natural light, everything was scared and hid away. 

I also, believed in fairies, gnomes, etc.. I belive I still do a little bit, even if they aren't real, I think it is something fun to believe in. My mother also read to me a lot of fairy tale's growing up, so it might have stuck.

Sorry, rant.


This is a stepping stone and I am hoping to make other fanfictions along the way with my future projects. Then again it will be the future, this is the first step. TO complete this and prove that I can accomplish anything.

So, this will definitely be finished, no time span for now but determination will see it through.

Thanks ya'll.



P.S. I also want to start responding to your guys' comments. They are so fun to look at but I feel bad for leaving ya'll dry. SO, I think I'm gonna try to respond as much as I can.

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