Big News

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Its been about a week or so since Ema's birthday. Today I get the news of being accepted or rejected by the school. Waking up early, I walked up to the family baths and got ready for the day. My outfit being the regular jeans, tee, cardigan and high top, I walk down to the dining area.

Throwing my hair up in a pony tail, I find Ukyo and Ema in the kitchen. Standing at the entrance of the kitchen, I type out a quick hello.

"Good morning Remi, how did you sleep?" Ema asked me as she helped Ukyo.

Decently well, can I help bring food out or do place settings.

I asked, since the only thing I can cook is an English breakfast.

"Sure, can you serve out the rice." Ukyo asked as he handed me the paddle.

Nodding I took it and scooped rice into the amount of bowls Ukyo gave me. Placing them on the table, I helped bring out the breakfast. When everything was set up some of the brothers started coming down. Iori, Yusuke, Subaru, Wataru, and Louis all sat down.

We began eating and they started up a nice breakfast conversation. Ukyo then looked at the time and hopped out his seat. 

"Look at the time. Wataru do you want to come with me or wait later because I have to go now." Ukyo said.

I quickly typed out.

I can take him and take care of the dishes. I have nothing else to do today.

"Are you sure? I don't mind." Ukyo asked looking me in the eye.

Not at all.

He smiled softly to me. "Thank you. Wataru you behave for Remi."

"Yeah!" Wataru exclaimed happily.

Soon, everyone started filing out and it was just me and Wataru. We started walking and he told me things concerning his class and how popular he was for being Fuuto's brother. It was a pleasant morning with my younger brother. I walked him to his class and soon after left.

On the way home, I admired the surroundings and noticed how it was getting colder. Wrapping my cardigan around me I picked up the pace. Walking into the residence, I went up to the top floor and decided to relax. Plugging my phone into the sound system, I lied on the couch and hummed along to the song that was playing. My feet were dangling over the back of it and my head was off the cushion. 

Feeling the couch dip beside me, I curled up to see who is beside me. Seeing that it is Tsubaki, I back hand spring off the couch. Landing on my feet I walk to the stereo and unplug my phone. Walking back to the couch and plop a few feet away from him. Glancing at him, he has a smirk on his face.

"Well, I didn't know you were flexible onee-chan." He said.

Typing I replied.

I am a dancer, it comes in the job description.

He seems impressed as he says. "What else can you do?" 

There is dancing, instruments, and long boarding. That's all, I can't even cook. I can only cook one breakfast meal and that's it.

He laughs, "Well at least what you can do, you can do pretty well." He said as he scooted closer.

I guess, I mean it has done me pretty well so far.

I typed watching him.

Aren't you suppose to be at work?

I asked as he sat closer.

"No, I wasn't scheduled for today. Besides, can't I get to know more about my dear onee-chan."

I wiggle away a little to create some space.

That's fine as long as we maintain personal space.

I typed as I sat there.

He sits back up with a surprised look on his face. Then he smirks again and leans in to which I push him back. 

"Alright then onee-chan." He sits back up as we stay at the distance just talking about different things.

We talked about alot of things, from his career to what he like to do for fun. Some stories about him and Azusa growing up. It was fun and entertaining to talk to him. After talking for an hour, I see that it's about time that the mail comes. I tell Tsubaki that I'll be back.

Running, okay well hopping, I head up the stairs and take the elevator down. When I get to the lobby, I head to the mail boxes and check my box. Opening it, I see that the envelope determining my future is there. Not being able to wait, I open it right there.

Reading it over, I end up collapsing and sitting there. I don't know how long I am there until someone taps my shoulder.

"Rei-chan, what's wrong?" They ask. I hand them my letter and stare off into the distance.

"This is awesome. Congratulations kid, we have to celebrate." I just nod my head and continue staring off into space.

"What are you two doing?" Another voice asks.

"Read this." The first voice says. It's quite for a bit then.

"This is big news imouto-chan, we need to celebrate." Seeing that they called me imouto, it's probably Kaname.

Looking at my brothers, I just nod and reach for my acceptance letter. 

"Oh no, you get this after we celebrate." Kaname said as he lifted me up.

I squealed a little as Kaname basically drags me into the elevator with Azusa following. Trying to pry my arm away, it doesn't work so I decide that he can just drag my whole body. Azusa chuckles as he watches, but Kaname is having no problem dragging me.

Later that night Kaname let everyone know about my acceptance letter. That night Ukyo and Ema made a lot of food. Everyone congratulated me and I just sat there.

"Are you okay Rei-chan?" Wataru asked by my side.

I nod and continue looking into space. Mindlessly I type out.

Yeah, it's just that this is happening. Also, I apparently have an internship as well.

They all are even my surprised as Ema asks. "What are you interning for?"

At the Local Rock Symphony the week before school.

"A rock symphony, well that sounds interesting. You must let us know when you are going to perform." Masaomi said as I just nod.

This is crazy and going to be hella busy.

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