Family Meet My Family

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On the day of the festival we were running about like chickens with our heads cut off. To be honest, I am suppose to be helping the twins with the booth set up but there was these adorable children that wanted to play. So, I did the only selfless thing I could think of and I played with them.

I know, how sweet am I to give up my time to play with these children. Even though I was so busy and was the only one capable of making sure the booth was immaculate.  How kind am I to put aside my responsibilities and help those in need.

In other words.

I just didn't want to help with the booth and needed a break from my beloved cousins. 

We played a variety of games ranging from tag, hide and seek, also caused some havoc. It was alot of fun and it has been a long time since I have had some genuine fun with someone who wasn't my boys.

Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate my family but sometimes I wish I was in Berlin with my family. Luckily though my cousins have been splendid and I also really enjoy spending time with them. Over the short amount of time I had with them I felt like we really tried to get to know each other and made progress. 

Shu is the more outgoing one and has no concept of personal space and is very snugglie  and cuddly, it doesn't help that I am the exact same way. During movie night we were basically sleeping ontop of each other and it felt like I was with the boys. While Sai can be outgoing but he is more of the one to sit and observe, plus he has really quick reflexes, he must have been a ninja in a past life. One night he heard me talking to the boys and after I was done talking to them, I started crying. I missed them so much and Sai came in held me and listened to me. This is the family I always dreamt of.

Don't get me wrong I love Ema and will do anything for her, but I also wanted a brother who was older than me. Someone I could rough house with and could protect me from bullies. Ema wasn't one for roughhousing and she tried to stand up for her older sister but they made fun of her to.

How pathetic an oldest child relying on their younger sibling stand up for them. But, someone did stand up for me, so I am very grateful for her.

Running, I bumped into someone while I was in thought. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Looking up, I see a mad looking Sai.

"Come on Rei, we have been looking for you awhile and Grandmother needs you." Sai said coming towards me.

"Alright. Alright, let me say... hey, what are you doing?!" In the middle of my sentence, Sai picked me up like a sack of potatoes and tossed me over his shoulder.

"She needs to see you now." He started walking in the same direction as the both.

"Ugh, fine. Least you could do is adjust me." it was uncomfortable, it felt like his shoulder joint was in my uterus.

He lifted me a little and wiggled my body so now my stomach was on his shoulder. When he was doing this, we bumped into someone. Sai said sorry and I looked up to see who he bumped into. The person looked alot like Ema, just being kind I waved back to them.  After a bit of walking Sai stopped and placed me on the ground. Physically turning me around, I met the face of my disappointed grandmother.

"Amaryllis, come with me. I can't have my granddaughter looking like a bum, especially when this is the best time to show you off. Now come with me, and no complaints." She said as she sharply turned and march off.

Slumping my shoulders I followed after her. After we finally reached a little dressing area, she quickly told me to undress as she set everything together. Slowly she helped me put each piece on. Once I was wearing everything, she did my hair. It was quite during the whole process. I didn't want to say a word because she looked to be holding back her tears.

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