Twins Roles

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It was the month of December, the trees were bare and the weather had a bite to it. I love winter even though I get cold quite easily. My outfit consists jeans, boots, long sleeve v-neck, a hoodie and a leather jacket. With my beanie and scarf on, it keeps the cold off of me for a while. 

With the boot and crutches I am walking back from the music store and make my way home. Minding the people around me, I make it home after awhile of walking. I take the elevator up and walk down to the living room. In the back round I hear some people talking then foot steps leading away. Making it down I lace my bag and crutches on the couch as I walk into the kitchen.

I see Ema standing right by a pot and stir it around, I guess she is making dinner. 

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked her.

"Oh, welcome back. I am making dinner, Ukyo has a case coming up so he asked me to make dinner." She looks at me and sees that I have my coat on.

"Did you leave again with out anyone with you?" She asked giving me a stern look.

"You expect me to stay around by myself without anything better to do." I said flailing my arms around.

"Okay. Anyway, how was your day?" 

"I'm good. How was the event that you went to today?" 

"It was awesome, I wish you would of come. Tsubaki and Azusa got an extra ticket for you."

"You know I'm not a big fan of crowds." I said as I hoped over to the counter and sat on it. Right by my side was a bowl of fruit, so I took an apple and nibbled on it.

"Oh, and appearently they have and audition tonight for a new role the got them into voice acting." She said happily.

"Good for them, being able to recreate their childhood."

"Yeah, if everything goes well. They should play each others rivals. Tsubaki as the protagonist and Azusa as the antagonist." Before I could reply I heard foot steps coming this way.

"Oh, hey, do you know where everyone is?" Another voice asked. 

We looked up and saw Subaru standing there. Ema talks to him and I tune them out. After I heard foot steps leaving, I looked at Ema. She had a puzzeled expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked nibbling on the apple.

"Nothing, it's just that I dont' quite understand Subaru." She said looking in the direction he left.

"Well, no girl can truly understand and a boy and vice-versa. Who ever says they can are truly delusional." I said around the apple.

"How do you know?" She asked stirring the food.

"Remember I told you about Aggie, Micheal, and Henry. Been with those guys for awhile and I still can't tell you what goes on in the male mind. It' almost as if we are two separate species, like dogs and cats."

She turned to look at me then she had her little upset expression on her face. "What did I tell you about eating before dinner. Now what am I going to do with your food." She said hitting me lightly on my thigh.

Rubbing the spot, I just pout. "Save it, you know that I will eat it later. I'm an endless pit that food comes to die." I hoped off the counter and started off towards my room. It might be a good idea to talk to my boys.

It's been a few days and now I am seriously under house arrest. Ema told the brothers and now someone is home at all time to make sure I don't "hurt" myself. I mean, it is nice that they are taking care of me but come on. The only source of joy I have is when Fuuto was home, I annoyed him with my impressive one man band.

Now, I'm sitting in the living room reading a book about art crimes. It's a rather good book and it has alot of information about the art world and art crimes. While I was reading the day came and went, now I'm done with my book. By the time that I finished dinner was done and Masa-nii helped me into the dinning room.

Taking a seat we ate dinner and all went our separate ways. Changing into something more comfortable, I pull on a pair of shorts and an over sized hoodie. Taking my hair out of the messy bun, brushing my hair out I lay on bed and think. I couldn't focus on anything so I wrapped my self in a spare blanket, put on a pair of socks and my sneakers and went into the garden. There is nothing growing but the withered plants look beautiful in the moonlight. Walking around I stop and glance at the moon and stars. There is not that very many stars here compared to where I went to school but it's still beautiful. Looking around a cold breeze blows by that moves my hair with the wind. I shiver slightly and cover my nose. 

Taking one last glance, I smile to the stars and wish the moon a good night then went inside. In the lobby I see Azusa siting there looking worried. Softly I rub my nose and make my way towards him. Tapping him lightly on the shoulder, he jumps a little and turns to face me. He looks surprised before his expression changes.

"What do you want?" He said rather rude.

Not wanting to bother him, I sit beside him and look at him. Studying his expression he is distraught and worried. He turns to face me with anger on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ignore him and stand.

"What did I expect from a mute." I hide behind a curtain of my hair and take the blanket from around me and put it on him.

Quickly leaving I make it into the elevator and go to my room. Not knowing what else to do, I lie down and wish for a better day tomorrow.

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