At the Hospital

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When we got to the hospital, I hopped out and thanked Kaname for the ride. I feel like I forgot something, oh well. Walking into the hospital it smelled strongly of antiseptic and sterilization. I love the smell of hospitals.


Talking to the front desk lady, I asked her if she could call down Dr. Asahina. When I asked for my brother, the lady. . . well, this happened.

"Hello, I was wondering if I may speak to Dr. Asahina, please." I asked softly.

"And who are you?" She asked giving me a once over and scowling at me.

"I'm Remi and I have his dinner for him." I said bringing out the bento to show her.

"What are you to him?" This caught the attention of the other female staff members who are giving me the same look as the lady in front of me. "He might be busy so only certain people can see a Doctor if they are busy." She said.

"Well, I am his younger sister. He came in earlier with my brother who was brought in on an emergency, with my sister as well. I just want to give them their dinners, considering the time." I said nervously glancing at the clock.

The ladies gave out a sigh of relief. The lady in front of me immediately calmed down and she gave me a bright smile. Now I am even more nervous.

"What good sister you are, aren't you? Also, what a pretty little thing you are. I love your blue eyes, it's almost the color of sapphire's. Just give me a moment, okay sweetie, and then I can direct you where to go."

Two faced ho.

I just smiled and took a seat off to the side. After she was done talking on the phone, she waved me over.

"Alright, he down this hall, make 2 lefts and a right. Then he should be there at ICU." I nod and was about to step away when she called back. "Oh and I am sorry about earlier. You are so pretty I thought that you were his girlfriend. You can't hold against a girl right."

In stead of responding to her I just smile and leave.

Shaking my head, I walk the way she told me to. She said ICU, hopefully Azusa is okay. Even though he has said some things about me, I can put it aside. That is still a puzzle to put together for another time. When I walk around the last corner, I see Ema and Masaomi standing there.

I was about to walk but then I heard my name being mentioned.

"So, Ema, how has Remi handle the change?" Masaomi said.

"Well, she doesn't say much, but she likes it. She says she appreciates having all of you brothers looking after me when she was gone." Ema said.

"So she does speak to you? I wonder what caused her to stop talking." Masaomi asked aloud.

"Well, I know as much as you guys. Something bad happened to her friend and then she never said a word." Ema said.

"Her friend?" Masaomi inquired.

"Well, growing up she never had any friends her age. She always got along better with adults then her peers. Now thinking about it, growing up I was probably the only other child she would talk to." Ema said pausing to take a breath, "Then when she went to England she gained 3 friends. From what she told me, she really loves her boys."

"Her boys?"

"Yeah, her 3 friends are all guys her age and she tells me about them all the time." Ema said.

"That's good that she was able to find friends, but why not female friends?"

"She may look really feminine but that is only the shell. She was a tomboy when we were growing up, even when she had competitions, they had to force her in a dress. I guess she never can quite click with other girls."

"Interesting. . . ." Before Masaomi can finish his thought I made my presence  known by clicking the heels of my shoe into the floor. 

I walk really light on my feet, so most people don't hear me walking around.

I should be a ninja.

Sorry, still tired, anyway.

Walking up to them, Ema sees me first and greets me.

"Hey Rei-neechan, what brings you here?"

I take out their food and hold in front of me. They take the bentos and I typed out.

Ukyo needed someone to bring you guys food so I volunteered.

"You didn't have to do that Remi." Masaomi said patting my head.

"Thank you Nee-chan." Ema said giving me a side hug.

No problem.

We all took a seat at some seats by the wall.

"Remi-chan, don't you have some food?" Masaomi asked glancing at my empty hands.

Looking down, I remember that I left my food at home. That is what I forgot.

I face palm and quickly type out.

Nope, I forgot it at home.

"You have been forgetting alot of things lately. Are you okay?" Ema asked me.

" Did you walk here?" Masaomi asked right after.

Kaname had an appointment this way so he drove me. It was a good thing because I haven't been sleeping well lately, so I'm basically the living dead.

"Well, you can have half of my food and then we can finish up a few things here then I can take you girls home." Masaomi said. 

Before I had time to react, he gave me half of his food and then started eating his. Surprised, I look at my older brother with a smile and a nod. Turning to the food I eat some with out realizing the small blush my brother was sporting.

Luckily, after we were done eating, one of Masaomi's peers approached us. Him and Masaomi left for a bit leaving me and Ema there looking at Azusa. After a few moments Masaomi came back with a tired smile.

"Well, it looks like he is stable and will be taken to recovery by tomorrow." Masaomi said looking at his brother through the glass.

"That's good to hear. Hopefully he gets better soon." Ema said.

"Yeah, we should be leaving soon." Masaomi said.

"Okay, I will let everyone that he is okay." Ema said thoughtfully.

"I don't know what we will do without you. Always going out of your way to help us. You're a good sister to us." Ema just blushed as our brother looked at her affectionately.

I decide to take a seat and wait until we are ready to leave. A bit of shut eye won't hurt.

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