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"Thank you, to all those who are able to attend to our Graduation today. Before the hand the students their certificates we have a musical number that would be performed by the honor student of our arts sector and her D.J. the honor student of the science sector. Please welcome Remi Hinata and Michael Cramer."

When the dean finished her long speech with our introduction we took our place on the main stage. Looking out into the crowd, I try to find a familiar face to feel comforted, that one specific face or two if possible. When I can't find those faces, I sigh but then smile because those two will have their own concert one day. Turning my head, nodding to Michael he begins.

Listening to the beat, I close my eyes and exhale placing the violin under my chin. Waiting for my moment to come I think about those two people that mean so much to me in my life. Then it is my turn to show these people why I graduated top of the arts sector. Opening my eyes I tap my foot and play.

With my electric violin I play with all of my heart and emotion. This piece allows the player to have "shimmy" room, because there is so much you can do that it can be more that a wiggle. What I mean to say is, this may be someone else's work but this is my song.

After playing my song, I wave to Michael and he joins my side. We take each other's and bow. Laughing we head off stage and high five each other and stand off on the side of back stage.

"You were great out there short stuff." He says rubbing my head.

Pouting, I swat his hand away and take out my phone and type. Luckily it reads it back to you so you don't have to, plus with Michael I will never let him use my phone. Even if he is dying I will dial for him and still call but he will never touch my phone again made that mistake once... never again.

Short stuff. Just to let you know 5'5" is not short where I am from. Besides your long ass torso is the only reason why you are tall, you basically have no legs. Freak of nature.

Frowning he says, "Hurtful but very true. Anyway won't you be considered a giant once you go back to Japan."

I pray not. What are you doing after today?

Looking thoughtful he was about to speak before I was called to receive my diploma. Smiling I kiss his cheek and walk up to the dean. Taking my certificate I give her a hand shake, then shake the hands of the school board. Walking off of stage I find my assigned seat and whip out my phone again. Sending Michael a quick text I put away my phone and enjoy the rest of today's ceremony.

Listening to the rest of the names being called for certificates, I start to zone out and think about my family back home. Then I feel my phone vibrate, looking at it I here shouts and other sounds of celebration glancing up I see people are standing. Confused I look at my phone and see that I have a text from father and Michael. 

Standing I exit with the rest of the graduates and make my way to the quad. Looking properly at the texts I read Michael's first.

Michael: Meet me at the lonely tree on the hill outside of school at 9

This must be serious if Michael wants to meet up there at night. Sending him a smiley face, I stand in the quad looking for someone. I don't know who but I feel like I need to look for someone. Glancing around I see a woman with short blonde hair and blue eyes. We lock eyes for a moment then she  makes her way towards me.

Well that is different. Checking dad's text I read it over and it says,

Rintarou: Congratulations dear, I am sorry I couldn't be there. But, there is a very special someone I want you to meet, they happen to be in the U.K. as well. She said she would love to meet you and get to know you. I will pick you up and we all shall return back to Japan together. Love you.

Looking up I see the woman is closer. Since I am a slow reader, it's a good thing there is all of these people so it gave me more time to read that long, weird, text. Putting my phone away I watch the woman as she is determined to make her way to me. She looks some what familiar. Is this the "she" that dad had mentioned?

When she reaches me, she smiles and goes in for a hug. Shocked I freeze up in her arms and listen as she begins talking in my ear.

"I am so happy to meet you again Remi-chan. I can't believe I was able to meet such a lovely young lady again and my, have you grown since the last time I saw you." She says with a hint of a Japanese accent.

She releases me as she looks at me. She giggles as she looks at my face. I guess I look as I feel, confused and outputted. Taking out my phone I type out my thoughts as she still has her hands on my arms.

I'm sorry, I don't recall where we have met but you do appear to be familiar to me.

She laughs again. "You are so formal, my what would your father to say about you changing so much." Huh. "Oh, that's right you forgot where we have met before. Remember the fashion show you performed live at."

Light bulb, that's right. She did look familiar.

I am so sorry. That has been quite awhile ago, but it is nice to meet you again Asahina-sama. Are you possibly the she my father talked about.

"Why, yes I am. Your father wanted to tell you the news in person, but he couldn't make it. Well let us go and celebrate your graduation. I think you need a well deserved girl's time." She grabbed my hand and off we were heading to the school exit.

I'm not sure if this is considered kidnapping, but she said celebration and I need a drink and food. I also, kind of want to go so why should I deny her her right to treat me. That's it, it isn't kidnapping I am going on my own free will for free stuff. Hopefully, or else I might regret this.

Music is My Voice {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now