Bro/Ema 2

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That evening when all of the brothers returned to their respective rooms, they all found a box of chocolates with their names written on a small card. Each brother placed the boxes down on the side and looked at the card.

Masaomi: The heart has reasons that reason does not understand. Jacques Benigne Bossuet 

Ukyo: Beauty is a summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt and cannot last; and for the most part it makes a dissolute youth, and an age a little out of countenance; but if it light well, it makes virtues shine and vice blush. - Bacon

Kaname: Beware of her fair locks, even when she winds them round a young man's neck, she will not set him free again. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Hikaru: The Stoics define love as the endeavor to form a friendship inspired by beauty. - Cicero

Tsubaki: He hath a heart as sound as a bell and his tongue is the clapper, for what his heart thinks his tongue speaks. - Shakespeare

Azusa:Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. -Lao Tzu

Natsume: What on earth is love, that makes lovers vow to stick together in life and in death. - Poet

Louis: Somewhere beyond right and wrong, there is a garden. I will meet you there. - Rumi

Subaru: A woman is more considerate in affairs of love than a man; because love is more than a study and business of her life. - Washington Irving

Iori: But love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit. - Shakespeare

Yusuke: Speak low, if you speak love. - Shakespeare

Fuuto: Even virtue is more fair when it appears in a beautiful person. - Virgil

Wataru: Roses are red, Violets are blue, and you're a cutie patootie.

Each one looked at the cards, thinking about the message that was left. Some blushed at what was said and others were confused by what it said. Upon further inspection they found that each message was hand written and that there was a small picture in the right hand corner. Each picture was different and it was hand drawn. What the brothers didn't know, was that each picture referred to a love story whether it be tragic or a comedy.

Masaomi: Mask- Phantom of the Opera

Ukyo: 2 butterflies- Butterfly Lovers

Kaname: A Dagger and a Bottle- Romeo and Juliet

Hikaru: Candle and Bow- Cupid and Psyche

Tsubaki: Crown and A Sword through the middle- Lancelot and Gunivere

Azusa: Bow and A Quiver of Arrows- Robin Hood and Maid Marian

Natsume: Church Bell- Hunch Back Of Notre Dame

Louis: A Ocean Liner- Titanic

Subaru: Seal- Selkie Legend

Iori: A Rose with a Mouse Outline- Disney's Beauty and the Beast

Yusuke: Snow Maiden- Snow Maiden Legends

Fuuto: Lyre -Orpheus and Eurydice

Wataru: Mermaid- The Little Mermaid

Slowly each brother thought of the one girl in their lives that would send such a gift to them. Even though she gave each brother a small family gift, this was surely the true gift from her.

"Ema." Her name was whispered from the lips of many men that night.

Or, so they thought it was Ema who sent the gift.

That evening, Ema and Remi were together in Remi's room. With all of the sweets that need to be devoured and the responsibility they have to complete single awareness day they sit together. Music playing in the back round with the variety of goods infront of them they were about to take a bite until.


"Are you alright?" Remi asked her sister.

"Yeah, I'm fine. That was odd though." Both girls shrugged it off and went back to the sweets.

"I saw some flowers blooming earlier than usual. Also, my room is probably covered in flowers. That could be a cause." Remi said picking out certain goodies.

"Probably." Ema said putting some sweets on a little plate.

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