My First Internship

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I wake up early to get mentally ready for my Internship today. Deciding that I smell fine, I get dressed in my usual attire and try to maintain my hair. Once I look presentable I gather all of my things necessary for today and a tooth brush and head up. Taking the elevator it stops at the next floor, looking up I see that it is Ukyo.

I smile in greeting and stand of to the side since I was standing in the middle. We continue the rest of the way in silence. Then the elevator stops he lets me out first and I head to the baths. I quickly brush my teeth and head down to the kitchen. Walking down stairs, I help Ukyo set up for breakfast.

I ate quickly and waved Ukyo goodbye. Looking at the address for the music hall, I type it into my phone and roll out. Following the directions, I am there in about a half hour. Walking up to the front, I check my watch and see that I am 15 minutes early. I see if the doors are open and push.

Walking in, I wait in the foyer were the letter said to wait. Standing there, I lean my board against my leg and tuck away my headphones and silence my phone. Wearing my back pack again, I stand there patiently. After what felt like five minutes, a portly man came out an was looking down at a file.

Watching him, I see that he is coming in my direction. When he is about a meter away, I clear my throat.

"Excuse me sir." I bow when he looks up at me. "My name is Hinata Remi and I am a new intern." Standing straight, I face him again.

"So, you are the musical prodigy. Did you possibly compete when you were younger?" He asked me.

I nod my head and spoke, "Yes Sir, I wasn't very good at first but I gradually learned how to play better."

He chuckles, "Well if that isn't the most humble thing I have ever heard from an intern before. Please follow me."

He started walking in one direction and I soon followed. "My name is Yamamoto Hiro and I am the conductor of the Rock Symphony. Since you are well adept to playing most instruments, you will be the fill in when ever someone isn't here."

"Yes Yamamoto-sensei." I said as we walked on stage.

"If you wouldn't mind, could you play a little Bach but modern. Also, could you play it on the electric guitar. We are a rock symphony after all." He said as he handed me the guitar.

I place my things on the ground beside me and take off my cardigan. Taking the Guitar from him, I bow slightly and think about what to play. Then I decide to play The Master an arrangement I once saw on YouTube. 

When I finished playing the arrangement, I look to Yamamoto-sensei and see that he is nodding.

"Alright, not bad. How about your vocals?" He asked.

"What would you like to hear?" I asked trying to thinnk of something that I could sing.

"What ever you want?" Nodding my head, I decide that singing a Capella would be best.

When I was done singing, he nodded his head and wrote something down. After a few scribbles he looked up to me. " Is it possible to see you dance." 

Nodding my head, I dance a simple routine with some hip hop and ballet. Taking off my shoes, I place them by my bag and I pull out my phone and speaker. Setting everything up, I dance.

After everything was said and done. I stood up and waited for him to finish writing. I'm not really nervous per say but anxious to hear his thoughts. I know I'm not the best because I never just study one thing but it's hard when you love so many things.

I wonder if this is what parents feel when kids ask who their favorite child is. I mean sometimes I prefer one music or style over the others but then it could change.

"So, we are more than just a rock symphony, we are also a performance group. You will be a fill in for the rock symphony but a constant in the performance group. I have seen your acting already from a video I found doing research on you. But, if you wouldn't mind could you act."

I nod and decide to recite The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe.

When that was all done, he said that he will notify me in about a week about what I will be doing. "Thank you for your time today. You have quite an impressive range of talent young lady. Now, since you are a member, there is one requirement. Everyone has to dress fashionably but also have at least one logo of the group on your person at all times. The same thing with the school, stylish and the school logo." He says. 

A/N:If you read or seen Soul Eater and how they all have the schools logo on them. Same thing.

 "Before you go, here is the logos you'll need and it came be in anyway you want, they just have to be visible." He handed me the emblem.

I bowed and said, "Thank you for giving me this opprotunity to study under you and the others."

I stand and gather my things. Putting my cardigan and shoes on, I head out into the real world. Stepping outside I check my watch and see that it is lunch time. But, since I am by the school I could head over there.

After a day spent running around campus and buying some more clothes I head home. Riding the elevator up to my floor I head to my room. Dropping everything off, I place my emblems on my desk and pull out my laptop.

With the time difference I found it easier to just email my boys. We do talk on skype at least once  a week to keep each other in the loop. They're all good and even thinking about traveling together sometime. In return I tell them all about my boring life and some about my brothers and Ema. All is good it seems.

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