You Can Kill Me Later

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Prem's POV

"Who the hell is calling me this early?" I grumble into my pillow as I feel about for my phone. My hand runs into something solid and warm. Solid and warm? What the hell? I sit up and look to my right and find Wad sleeping next to me. His sleeping face looks so soft and innocent, such a change from his normal one, which is usually nothing but harsh angles. I reach to brush his long hair away from his face when once again when my phone begins to ring.

"Shit! If they wake him up, I am going to kill them," I hiss as a look for my phone. I find it on the floor next to the bed right as it stops ringing. I swipe the screen to see who was calling me at this hour.

10:25? 56 Line messages. 23 missed calls. Shit! I look to double-check the time with my alarm clock only to realize I am not in my dorm. I am in Wad's dorm. I look at Wad and remember what happened at the hospital.

"P'Prem, I like you."

I know I am smiling like an idiot, but I don't care. When I told him that I liked him, his smile made me realize that it really does feel like you have butterflies in your stomach.

What the hell?! I mentally scream at my phone screen when it lights up yet again, and I click to answer the annoying thing. "What do you want?" I snarl.

"Where are you? You have missed two classes! Get your ass out of bed! You better be in the next class!" Knott yells at me and hangs up before I can say anything.

I lay back down as I waiver from wanting to kill my friend to being thankful he cares enough to gripe at me. I turn on my side so I can look at Wad sleeping so peacefully beside me. The bruises on his beautiful face have darkened. Noticing his bandaged hand also reminds me why we were at the hospital. Who the hell did this to him? I reach out to trace the bruise on his left cheek. He stirs as I run my fingers over his cheek. Pausing, I wait for him to settle once again but am shocked when he rolls over and snuggles up to me. He buries his face in my chest under my chin and makes a contented sound.

Sorry Knott, you can kill me later, I think as I turn my phone off. I am not going to make it to the next class. This is too good to pass up. I wrap my arm around Wad and go back to sleep.

 I wrap my arm around Wad and go back to sleep

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Wad's whimpering wakes me. Glancing down, I see Wad is still snuggled up to my chest, so I can't see his face, but I can hear him. Reaching over to the nightstand, I grab my phone to check the time, and I remember I turned it off. I stare at the black screen and debate about turning it on again. Another whimper decides for me. Putting the phone back down, I begin to extricate myself from underneath Wad.

I spy Wad's alarm clock as I stand up on his side of the bed. Shit! 1:52! No wonder! He hasn't taken his pain meds. Walking over to the table, I read the labels. Well, that was a fail. I was supposed to give him a pill two hours ago, and it also says it has to be taken with food. I sigh when I open Wad's refrigerator and find only water. What does this boy eat?

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now