"Yes," Jin stepped back from his mother to be by my side again. His hand held mine. "I brought my fiancee, Hua wants to give you her greeting personally. This is Wang Dao, Hua's twin brother." Jin gestured to Dao. "And the other two are Yong and Manchu, my guards and friends." My fiance ended that introduction well.

"Twin brother, you say..." Princess XiLen eyed my brother with interest. "Yes. I see his strong resemblance to General Wang." She added evenly.

Dao nodded. "Yes. I am my Baba's son. We both cannot seem to deny it." My brother drawled lazily before he bowed to Jin's mother in respect. "It is an honor, your Highness."

Princess XiLen laughed, a bit delighted. "Ah yes...aside from the physicality, I can also see General Wang's unbending characteristic on you. A pity..."

I bit my lower lip to stop a smile appearing on my face because I think she is highly mistaken. Dao's unbending attitude, OUR unbending stubbornness, we didn't get from Baba. Father taught that to us. It's a known knowledge in our family that Baba can demonstrate a sense of compromise from time to time, Father...not so much. So...yes, our unbending character, we got from Father.

"And these are your guards, Jin?" Princess XiLen turned her attention to Yong and Manchu. She smiled at them. "I think I owe you both a great deal for keeping my son safe."

"He is our Prince, our swords and loyalties will always be with him," Yong said in his usual stoic tone.

"What he said," Manchu simply nodded his agreement.

"That is good," Princess XiLen equipped. "I hope your love and loyalty to Jin...you will extend to the people close to him."

"Our loyalties we extend to the people our Prince loves," Yong answered it again.

"Right. What he said," Manchu agrees to everything Yong said with that phrase.

Princess XiLen frowned now. I think Yong and Manchu is confusing her as well. I think she found us all confusing...

Well...I cannot entirely blame her. We are a confusing bunch...if you don't know us. Or even if you know us, I think this group still has the ability to confuse people. I guess a person needs to know us WELL to get an idea about what we really are.

"I see," Princess XiLen abandoned the effort to make sense of Yong's words to smile at Princess Nadira. "This is Princess Nadira...an important part of the Mughal Royal Family."

"A pleasure, your Highness." All of us, aside from Jin, bowed to Princess Nadira.

"It is my honor to meet all of you," Princess Nadira gave us a bright smile. Her dark brown eyes sparkling. "I apologize for I don't speak your language well..." she turned to Jin's mother, seeking support. "Princess XiLen taught me some words but I am not sure if I am using them right..."

"You are doing well, Princess." Jin told her kindly with a smile.

Princess Nadira beamed at my fiance. "Thank you, Prince Jin."

Jin smile faltered and when he gazed at me, he winced a little. I squeezed his hand to reassure him and also a way to remind him of why we are here today. Jin understood me. He nodded and turned to his mother. "Mother, I am
wondering if we can talk to you..."

A Wuxia Tale: Blade in TrainingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ