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I didn't get to sleep at all last night.

As the dawn breaks, I found myself in the anteroom of the Master's chambers, sitting by the large window and looking out as light slowly reveal the beauty of my home, Wang Estate.

Last night almost turned into a tragedy. I closed my eyes as I remember the feeling of losing control that prompted my lover to hold me back before I can get my hand on that...boy...and kill a little human.

But the calm way the Emperor, the Empress and that boy...AhRan, sat as I struggled against my own lover's hold just told me that the boy anticipated my reaction and he had warned the Emperor and the Empress about it.

A boy that can see the past and future...dare I believe that?

"Utter ridiculousness..."

"My heart," I look around to see my lover filling the door leading into our private chamber. Captain Wang is wearing a pair of pants made of soft fabric and a robe...that's all. The front wide expanse of his chest is uncovered as well as his feet that moved as he walked over to where I am sitting. "Did you even sleep, Dayu ah?" My lover sat down beside me, facing me.

"How can I sleep?" I retorted back a question at him. "That boy..."

"AhRan," Captain winced at me. "We have to familiarize ourselves with AhRan as he is our mission..."

"I think he is familiar to us already," my words came out as a growl. "He knows about my mother and the man who violated her..." I stopped as I remembered that the man who broken my mother's spirit is my lover's own sire.

Captain Wang sighed. "I know the shock that you felt when AhRan said that. But...he is just a boy."

"He knows about the abuse I suffered on the hands of those monks. He knows about my travels with my Uncle and Cousin. He knows my hatred of temples. What else does he knows?"

"Let's assume that he knows all." Captain Wang said before a light appeared in his eyes. " hate that he knows a lot about us because..."

"It's information." I said in a steely tone. "Information is weapon, Captain. And right now, that boy has a lot of weapons he can use against us..."

"Against us?" My lover winced. "Dayu, you sounded like you think this boy is our enemy..."

My stony silenced clued Captain Wang of what I think about that.

Yes. I easily placed AhRan as my enemy.

I don't like that boy, with his condenscending demeanor and cold tone. His unassuming appearance and the way he addressed me as "Consort".

"I don't believe that he can see the past and the future. I don't know what kind of sorcery he has to learn about certain thinga from our past, but one thing I know for sure...I don't like it. I don't like that boy, his tone, his words. He easily gets under my skin," I said to my lover.

Captain Wang nodded, "I understand. He is an opponent then. And you hate that your opponent has weapons to use against us. It puts you in a disadvantage..."

"It puts us in a disadvantage," I made that clear to my lover. "Us. And I don't like that." An understatement. I don't just don't like it...I loathe being in a disadvantaged position.

But Captain Wang smiled. "You don't like that? assassin who infiltrated a military base and surround himself with thousands of enemies, some highly skilled officials, to get his revenge. You? Who are you and when will you reveal the real Dayu to me?" My lover's smile turned teasing.

A Wuxia Tale: Blade in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now