Strongest Man

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When General Wang once again hauled Wang Dao upward and threw his own son for the second time like he is just throwing peebles on a fond, I thought my Baba will finally have enough and stop the combat.

Surely, the Emperor has no desire to see his prized general kill his own blood in the Throne Room.

Wang Dao is already bloodied. The cut on his lips has already doubled and his arm is also bleeding. His clothes torn and disarrayed, Wang Dao looks like he is going through a tough fight.

But General Wang is not undisturbed as well. The right sleeve of his leather armor is missing because Wang Dao severed it from the rest of General Wang's armor with a quick slash of his dagger. The general is bleeding from a cut there as well. One of General Wang's leg armors was also cut and his shin exposed.

But General Wang is General Wang. Imperial Army's Master General, a defense specialist and the one in charge in protecting not just the Imperial Family but the whole Capital as well.

With a resume like that...the only conclusion anyone can come up with was that General Wang is one strong man.

And he is showing his own son how strong he pummeling and throwing Wang Dao around.

When Wang Dao flew in the air again and slammed against a solid marble pillar, his loud scream of pain echoed around the wide four walls of the Throne Room. And I noticed that I am not the only one who winced in sympathy for the younger Wang.

"Stay down, Dao!" General Bam, the general in charge of the unit protecting the Crown Prince shouted. "Stop already, Wang Dao!"

"Don't get up anymore! Surrender already you stupid boy!" Captain Ching agreed with General Bam's sentiment.

And I agree with them. This is too much already. I look at my Baba, wondering when he will give the order to General Wang to stop hurting his own son.

But Baba is not doing anything to stop the fight. The Emperor sat in his throne, stoically. My mother as well, the Empress, is not doing anything to stop the combat.

And that's when it occured to me...they are waiting for someone else to stand and stop the fight.

They are waiting for ME to stand and do something...

But am I allowed? Can I do it?

Wang Dao slumped against the marble pillar, eyes closed and looking exhausted. He is doing what General Bam and Captain Ching shouted. He is not standing up.

But General Wang doesn't need Wang Dao to stand for the fifth time to walk towards his slumped son and seize Wang Dao by the younger Wang's collar. My eyes widened when General Wang hauled Wang Dao high against the marble pillar by putting a hand against his own son's throat. Wang Dao coughed and put a hand on his father's wrist with the hand that is almost choking him.

I have seen enough.

General Wang lifted his other hand but before he can struck the almost unconscious Wang Dao again...

I stood up and gather all the air I can possibly get in my lungs so I can shout...


General Wang stopped immediately and I felt another jolt. The Master also waiting for me to stop the fight?

I look around the throne all. Everyone there is looking at me. My eyes widened...the realization just won't stop for me.

A Wuxia Tale: Blade in TrainingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz