A Sire's Pride

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"You are really amazing," Captain Ching clucked his tongue while standing in front of my bed, looking down at me. "It's been just a day and you are already sitting up. Everyone are betting that it will take you at least a week before you can move from your bed."

I bit my lower lip and keep my breathing steady, "I don't need a week. I am fine..."

Captain Ching snorted. "Half of your face is swollen. The wound on your shoulder has opened up. You have broken bones. You dislocated and sprained something on your right foot. You will also surely have bruises all over your body. You are the least definition of fine, boy. I say, lay down and rest. Don't push yourself hard." The Prince's Guard's Captain gave me a censoring look. "Fine, we are now aware that you are strong...and crazy...but that doesn't gave you any rights to disobey your superiors' orders and..."

I look up and stare at him while he is lecturing. "Are you my superior now? Am I officially a member of the Prince's Guards?"

Captain Ching frowned, "You claimed to be a Prince's Guards while fighting your sire. What are you talking about now?"

I look down and slowly shook my head. "That was my pride and bravado talking, Sir. The truth, I am still under training." I look up at Captain Ching again. "How long do I have to wait before the Imperial Family and high officials can give their decisions about my tests?"

"Maybe a week, more or less." Captain Ching rubbed a hand on his chin. "That's why you have the time to lie down and at least let your broken bones heal. Here, let me help you." Captain Ching aided me to lie down gently on my bed again. "Why you attack General Wang like that...we still cannot grasp your reasoning..."

"I need to gain Crown Prince Han's admiration. I need to impress him. He thinks my Baba is the strongest man in the Imperial Army..."

"Which is the truth..."

"...and he wants to see my Baba in combat. So I gave it to him." I continued despite Captain Ching talking in the middle of my speech.

"Ah...that's why." Captain Ching nodded. "So there's a reason why you did it. We thought you just finally lost all your marbles." 

I sighed and closed my eyes. "What did the physicians said about my physical condition, Sir?" I asked, a little scared. I wonder if my stupidity had done a lasting damage on my body.

"Aside from all the things I already listed? Not much. I suspect, even though General Wang beaten you badly, he was still careful not to severely damage you. Which is understandable because you are his son and blood." Captain Ching sat on the edge of my bed. "They adviced us to let you rest and keep your chest binded. Sleep so your body can heal. If you vomit blood, that is bad. If you piss blood...that's curable. But they are optimistic with your chances of recovery. I wonder...how the estate manager in Wang Estate will react if he learned what happened in the Throne Room last night...?"

"He won't react to anything because he will not know," I said in a hard tone. "My last test was composed to remain a secret to others aside from the higher ups and the Prince's Guards. It will be a betrayal of the Imperial Family's trust if someone will spread the events of my final test..."

"Yes, qouting from the Imperial Law scrolls, stop showing off." Captain Ching smiles at me. "But even though it is a secret, rumors have already started..."

A Wuxia Tale: Blade in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now