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"What's in your mind that I got close to you and you didn't notice me?" I asked my brother as our blades threatened each other's necks.

I inhaled sharply when I saw doubt flashed on Dao's eyes. Then my twin put down his sword arm. I pulled my scimitar away from my brother.

"Dao ah?" What is going on with my twin? I started to feel worried. Dao knows he is not perfect, but my twin rarely show doubt about himself. He has a well developed confidence in his own self.

"Can I tell you?" Dao snickered softly. "Are we still allowed to do that?"

I felt surprise at his tone and words. "What do you mean are we still allowed?"

Dao sighed, "I have secrets now, Hua." He said in a solemn tone.

I inhaled sharply at that. Then I smiled, "I know," I said.

Dao gave me a surprised smile. I chuckled at my twin. "I have my secrets as well. Maybe my secrets are not as dangerous or confidential as yours but I do keep things from you, Dao ah."

Dao stared at me before a smile appeared at his face. Then his smile turned to chuckles...and to full laughter. I laughed with my brother.

Our merriment ended with us smiling at each other. "If you are not ready to talk yet, how about some exercise?" I asked him.

Dao frowned, "We can do that. But answer this first, you are in your sleeping robes already, why are you still awake?"

He is right. I am in my sleeping garb already, in virginal white robes that are thick enough that I won't feel cold. I shrugged. "I cannot sleep. I don't know why. Maybe because I feel like you need me? I don't know..."

My brother nodded. "I understand."

And I don't doubt that he does. Dao and I have a strong connection as twins. Plus my brother has a strong instinct. So yes, I don't doubt that he understand.

"So, sparring?" I gestured at the sword in his hand.

Dao nodded. "Okay," he said before moving fast to attack me.

It was an attack that didn't give me any surprise. Dao always take the offensive part of any fight. His patience, or lack of, always betrays him. So yes, my brother loves to do the attacking first. And that's great for me...

Because I love playing defense.

Staying on my ground. Pushing my strength inside me so I can keep still and block my brother's attacks. As Dao dances around me, going side to side, his blade coming from different directions, I hope my brother tire soon.

Because once Dao's attacks let up, that's my window to defeat him.

But exhaustion was not the reason why I got my opening to kick Dao's sword arm and followed it with a punch/push on his chest that made my brother stumble. I took that advantage to leap at him and push his whole body to the floor so I can put a knee on his chest and hover a fist an inch from his proudly handsome nose.

My brother is out of concentration.

As we pant together from the exercise, I frowned down at Dao who surrendered by stretching his arms on either side of his shoulders and remained unmoving on his back.

"Where were you tonight? Where did you spent the better part of this night?" I asked my twin as I move to free him of my weight. I sat cross legged at his side.

A Wuxia Tale: Blade in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now