"What do you want me to say Ally? I'm leaving because my father needs me, he can't be a manager of a restaurant and deal with three kids at the same time. He needs help and I have always provided that help."

"He's done so much for me, why can't I do this one thing for him? Besides he'll be lonely there, he is still healing from the divorce, mom remarrying isn't easy for him to digest. I don't want him to leave, I don't want to be another person who just left him"

"And what about Carter?" Shot back Ally.

I didn't reply because his name hurts, his name is a lump in my throat, his name is the tears in my eyes that are ready to fall. I turn away and look outside the window again, but I'm not looking at anything, I can't see anything.

This is what Carter William does to me, he makes me lose my senses.

Ally comes forward and sits in front of me.

"Who's going to take care of him? Be there when he wants? Did you for a moment think that he needs you too? That you would be leaving him behind like he never mattered to you"

"I love him" I replied sharply, my tears finally falling now.

"Doesn't seem like it. You don't leave the people you love Eva"

I wiped my tears and looked at her. Could see her tears forming too and with how much effort she kept them from falling.

"I won't be gone forever, we can do long distance for a while, I'll come back Ally, why doesn't he understand?"

Ally doesn't reply, she stares at me for a few more seconds then get up. I wait for her to say something, anything, but she doesn't. I watch her walk to the door.

"How.....how is he doing? Is he okay?" I finally ask the question I have wanted to ask the moment she stepped in the room.

Ally turned and looked at me, her eyes filled with anger.

"Why do you care Eva? You're just going to leave. Have a safe flight"

And with that, my best friend was gone.


I was in the kitchen cleaning the counter after making the kids some cookies when my phone rang. I wiped my hands with a clean towel and picked it up hoping against odds it was Carter.

But it wasn't. I stared at the screen as Henry's number flashed. After the incident, I haven't seen him. I wasn't with mom whenever she came, neither was he at their home when I visited. Watching the screen I realized that this Henry wasn't just my mom's second husband, he was also Kaiden's father.

I picked up the call cautiously, unsure of the reason he was calling me.


"Hi Eva, this is Henry, how...how are you?" He asked, his voice unsteady.

"I'm good, how are you?" I replied.

"I'm...I'm good too. How's

"Um...Carter...he...he is better" I said.

I didn't know how Carter was and no one was telling me either. I had called Drake and Ally multiple times but they refused to pick up my calls. I could go to their houses and ask but I wasn't mentally ready for another outburst.

"I wanted to apologize, on behalf of Kaiden. I'm sorry about what he did to you and Carter. I just-"

"Its okay Henry, it isn't your fault," I replied because it really isn't.

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