Chapter 3

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I was sitting on the counter, inside the kitchen of Sandy's cafe, doing my shift for today.

Its been a week since Carter refused to work on the project and I still haven't started it. I need to get those marks cause I need to go to a good college and have a good future.

I take another bite of the chocolate cake i'm eating currently and try to come up with ideas about the project. I went to Miss Jean asking her to change my partner, but she of course refused, advising me to get along with everyone in the class. 

"Eva can you take the order of table three?" Asked Mark my co worker.

"Yea sure" I said hopping of the counter, taking the last bite of my cake.

I walked out of the kitchen and moved towards table number three, taking my notebook and pen out of my apron's pocket. As I looked up I saw Carter and his friends, Haley and her sidekicks. Great! I thought as I came to stand in front of them.

"Can i take your order please" I said clicking my pen open.

"Oh look its Eva" said Diana, Haley's friend and everyone looked at me except Carter who again chose to ignore me.

"Eva, Eva, Eva, Eva" said Drake Richards tapping the table, a curly black hair dude with pitch black eyes. The second in command to Carter.

"Have you decided what your going to order" I said with a smile.

"I heard your mom is getting married to a really rich dude" said Haley sweetly.

A shiver ran through my body, I do not want to talk about this with anyone let alone Haley.

"If you haven't decided what your going to order yet I can come back after five minutes"

"Are you going to call him dad too?" She asked as the table erupted with laughter including Carter.

"EVAAAAA" came a voice and I saw Daniel running towards me though the cafe door.

"What are you doing here? All alone?" I asked facing him.

I held out a finger to stop me from talking.

"Can I catch my breath women?"

He stood there breathing as I looked at him horrified, i was starting to get angry now, so sure I was going to kill him today.

"What are you all starin at?" He said looking towards Carter and company.

"Daniel Evans you tell me right now what are you doing here all alone." I said kneeling down to his level.

"I was bringing you your bag you said you wanted to do your homework in the cafe" He said innocently.

"Okay and where is my bag" I asked looking towards his hands, my bag nowhere to be found.

"Alex is bringing it" he said and  froze finally realizing he has messed up.

"WHAT- DANIEL" I said mortified, grabbing him by his shoulders, panic kicking in.

"You know Alex doesn't know the directions to anywhere and he's slow, Daniel how could you leave him behind you like this" 

"I- I....I just thought he was right behind me" He protested.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves down.

"Go inside and stay with Layla until I come to get you,do you hear me?" I said looking sternly in his eyes.

He nodded and ran towards the kitchen as I ran outside to look for Alex.

I walked towards my home, Daniels holding my finger, its been two hours since Alex was missing and I still wasn't able to find him. I stand in front of the front door on the verge of tears. I had called dad, he is right now out looking for him. 

"Eva" said Daniel lightly tucking at my hand.

I turn towards him and knelt down to his level. I could see the worry in his eyes, he was about to start crying.

"I just wanted to help him, kids at school taunt him for being slow so I thought if I ran faster he will learn to run fast too." 

"It's okay Daniel, its not your fault. Don't worry we will find him" I said hugging him as he sniffed and started to cry. 

I wondered where Alex would be right now, is he okay? Was he hungry? He sure was crying by now but still wouldn't let go of my backpack, he takes good care of things, he is the most responsible and sensible of us all but he would be scared, its already dark.

My tears started to fall now as I desperately tried to stop them. This wasn't the right time to cry and lose hope, especially in front of Daniel.

"Its okay Eva, we will find him"said Daniel repeating my words after sensing my cries.

I nodded as I hugged him tighter.

"EVAAAA" came a shout from behind us. I turned around quickly  to see Alex in Carter's arms. 

"Alex" I sighed in relief and ran towards him. He looked fine, just a little dirt on his clothes, my backpack safe in his tiny hands.

I took him from Carter's arm.

"Are you okay?" I asked examining him again.

"Yup" he replied "Don't worry i'm okay, I tried to stop Daniel from going but he never listens and I didn't want him to go alone, I would have never come otherwise" he said presenting his side.

"Its okay" I said and turned towards where Carter was standing to thank him but Carter was no longer there, he was walking away, already at the end of the street.

"Stay here" I said to Alex placing him down and ran towards Carter.

"Hey Carter wait" I said reaching him.

He stopped in his tracks and turned towards me. 

"Thank you, really thank you very much" I said. 

He looked in my eyes and nodded before turning around and leaving.


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