Chapter 24

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Carter didn't stay, he said he only came too check if I was okay. I was so relived to see Carter, he was alive and okay but Drake wasn't. He was shot in the stomuch and was currently in a hospital. Carter was staying with him as his parents were out of country.

The first thing I did after Carter left was call Ally and of course she freaked out. She wanted to go visit the hospital right now. It took me about an hour to calm her down and promised her we will go see Drake tomorrow.

For the first time since that night I slept peacefully. It came quick and took over me. All the tension and worry was gone. Carter was fine and I was thankful for that. As I drifted off to sleep he was all I could think about. His warmth and how comforting it was, how I could still feel it. How safe I felt in his arms. I went to sleep replaying that hug in my mind.


Me and Ally were at the hospital to see Drake. All through the school she had been fidgety which surprised me a little. When did she started worrying about Drake. I mean its Drake. Maybe she still feels guilty about taking us there.

"Its room number 306" said the receptionist.

"Thankyou" replied Ally and we walked towards the elevator. I was carring the flowers we bought for Drake. Hope he likes them

"Would he be okay?" She asked as we were going up.

"Hopefully, don't think too much we're going to see him now" I replied.

The elevator door opened in front of us and we stepped out. We went down the corridor, looking at the room numbers carefully until we found 306.

I gently knocked at the door.

"Come in" came Drake's voice.

I opened the door and stepped inside. The room was filled with hospital smell and hospital grey. Drake was laying on the bed, he looked weak, that playful smile that's always on his face was gone. He looked up at us and I could see he was surprised.

"Hey" he said lightly, his eyes first on me and then settled on Ally.

"Hi" said Ally walking towards him, while I smiled at him.

She sat down on the chair next to him. Drake looked at her and a smile appeared on his face.

"I'm really happy you came" he said.

Ally smiled and nodded at him, pushing his curly black hair away from his face. I don't know why but I looked away, giving them their privacy.

I placed the flowers in a vase on the side table and then went to the bathroom to pour some water in it. After placing the vase back I walked over to the window and pushed the curtains away. Sunlight came in giving the room a glow. I could see the world outside. There was a park nearby and kids were playing, I have always liked kids, I like the pure happiness they carry with them that's so contagious. The birds were flying around in a traffic free sky. Behind me Ally and Drake were talking in soft voices.

I stepped away from the window and walked back to them.

"Drake where's Carter?" I asked standing on the foot of his bed.

"Oh he didn't come back last night" he replied.

He didn't come back? Then where was he? Was he at his house? Or some place else? Why are there so many questions whenever Carter comes up? Why can't there be answers for once. Maybe Drake saw the concern on my face as he said:

"Don't worry he just had some work to do, he will be back soon"

I nodded looking at him. I hope he is fine, that he doesn't get himself in trouble, something he's really good at.

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