Chapter 48

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"What are you doing?" Asked my mom standing in the doorway. I folded a sweater and placed it neatly inside my bag. 

"I'm going back home" I stated grabbing another sweater and folding it. 

"You are home" she replied.

"No mom, this is not my home"

She sighed and walked over to me, sitting down on the bed, her face away from me.

"You know I thought that you had forgiven me, had forgotten about everything that happened but I guess I was wrong. You can never stop hating me."


I stopped my work and stared at her, her hair were pulled back in a bun. She was wearing a baby blue cardigan with with pearls around her neck. She looked beautiful.

"I never hated you" I said and walked over to sit next to her.

"What happened, happened okay? You weren't happy with dad so you left him. Back then I was angry, I didn't believe in a world....where my parents weren't together and when I realised that I was actually living in one....."

I stared at my side table, a picture of us all looking at me. Our smiles so big that you could feel the happiness we had at that moment. I took a deep breath and started again.

"I was sad and lonely and...I blamed you for everything, for destroying our perfect family, for being selfish. But as time went by I understood. I now understand mom, I understand why you left dad, why you're with Henry"

She looked at me, searching my face.

"Do you really accept me and Henry?" She asked her eyes staring at me hopefully.

"Yes mom, I do. Besides I think Henry is cool now, he brought be a teddy bear as a gift" I replied with a smile.

My mom laughed beside me, her face glowing.

"I love you mom" I said softly.

She looked back at me, her smile not leaving her face. She brought me in for a hug.

"I love you too" she replied kissing ny head.

"I need to tell you something"

I pulled away from her.

" and Henry......we....we married three month ago" she said not looking me in the eye.

"What!? Really?" I replied shocked.

I didn't expect that, I never thought for even a second they were married. And for three months.

"Yea, we thought there was no reason to delay it more. And I know we were going to invite people and all but we just thought it would be better if it was just the two of us"

I nodded and then smiled.

"Congratulations mom, I'm really happy for you and Henry"


"But you should have told I could have come"

"You wouldn't have" my mom stated and probably she was right, I always had a grudge about her and Henry's wedding. But now, I felt happy for her, for them.

"I did tell your dad though"

I nodded looking away from her. I wonder how my dad felt when he heard the news, was he happy? Or sad.

"Your dad is a great man Eva, he deserves the world, he deserves so much more than me. And even though I left him don't ever think that I don't love your father. I will always love him."

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