Chapter 21. - Week of Shame

Start from the beginning

My doctor called a couple days later, to tell me that I was disease free – and just like that, my careless encounter against the wall of my foyer was resolved. I got away without any lasting consequences.

It was nearly a week later when I was wrapping up in class that my phone rang. Albie glanced down, no doubt noting the word 'Asshole' flashing proudly on my screen. He lifted a brow at me, and I shrugged. "A friend."

"Charming." He commented. "You have a lot of new friends these days."

Ignoring his pathetic attempt at trying to get more information out of me, I waved goodbye. "See you at the lab!" I threw over my shoulder as I headed out the door.

"I'm coming over tonight." A raspy voice informed me through the line when I answered the call. "Be home."

I bit down on my lower lip, trying to contain my smile. "You're not invited."

Ash laughed, the cocky sound coming out more like a snort. "I'm a rock star, red. I don't need an invitation to get into a private place."

The last few words sent an embarrassing shiver down my spine as I walked up to my Prius, and slid in to drive to our usual lab, located on the other side of the campus. "You're awfully cocky today." I breathed, stalling in order to compose myself. And I am getting wet just from listening to that sexy, husky voice of yours – I added in my head.

"And you're not telling me no." Ash shot back. "What time should I expect you?"

This time, I didn't try to hide my grin. "Seven."


My phone started vibrating in my back pocket, causing me to nearly drop it on the ground in fright.

I was walking to my car, after a long, unsuccessful day at the lab, and I was tired and on edge about the night ahead. To my surprise, it wasn't Ash who was calling me this time. "Hey, London!" I smiled, having missed her voice.

"You're on speaker! Callie is here too." She said as a greeting, her voice sounding like home after not having spoken since the New Year's Eve party. "We just wanted to check up on you. You've been MIA for a while!"

I sighed. "I'm sorry." I wanted to kick myself for becoming one of those girls who ditched her friends after getting involved with a guy. Even though it wasn't solely Ash who had been distracting me for the last few weeks, if I was being completely honest with myself, he had a lot to do with it. Keeping what was going on with him a secret in front of the two people who have been privy to my every thought for as long as I could remember was exhausting – and I chose to deal with it by simply not engaging with them as much as I've used to.

"It's alright! We know you're busy! And you're always more stressed out while adjusting to the schedule of a new semester." Callie chimed in. "How's that sexy doctor doing?"

I rolled my eyes. "Albie's not a doctor, Callie, you know that. And he's just fine."

"Oh, I know he is!" She cooed from the other end of the line, making me smile, despite my exhausted muscles. "You're still shagging him?"

Laughter bubbled up in my throat. "Shagging?!? Who are you shagging to be so fluent in foreign sexual slang?" I said instead, wanting to divert the attention from myself.

Of course, it worked.

With Callie, it always worked. "This singer guy from a British pop-rock band! I'm going to be in their newest music video, can you imagine?! Have you heard of-" She went on to describe the songs her Brit had currently played on the radio, and who he has dated in the past. I wasn't one to keep up with celebrities and the gossip surrounding them, and true to form I had never heard of her newest beau.

But I wanted to be a supportive friend. "That's exciting, Callie!"

"Wait... Who is this? I'd like to speak with Ginger?" She shot back. "What do you mean you're excited?!"

I shrugged, even though she couldn't see me. I pulled up into an empty space outside of my apartment and threw my car into park. "I'm happy for you. Why is that so strange?"

"Because my Ginger would tell me not to be so dumb to fall for a musician because they play girls like they play their instruments - or something sarcastic along the lines of that," Callie explained. "And you're telling me you're excited for me?!"

I chuckled. "I'm supportive, that's all. I've always been supportive of your career!" Which was absolutely true. Callie decided she wanted to be a famous model at the age of sixteen when most of our classmates who grew up with money were chasing the same dream. Of course, unlike most of our classmates, Callie actually had the looks, determination, will, and the famous father who was able to pull a few strings to get her started.

"I guess so..." Came her reply, still sounding unsure.

"What are you two doing tonight?" I asked, hoping to change the subject – once more.

London chimed in. "Lukas is out with the other Hazmat boys, so Callie and I are watching movies and hanging out. You should come and join! They won't be back all night – so no one will bother us."

I cringed.

Not all of the Hazmat boys were out - I wanted to add, but I kept my mouth responsibly shut. Glancing up at my apartment, I noticed movement coming from my bedroom window, and a slow grin spread across my features. The doorbell camera I ordered online a while ago finally arrived, and I set it up a few days ago, so I was aware when Ash expertly broke in while I was still at the lab - even though I gave him my exact time of arrival.

"I have to work late." I lied, surprised by how easily it flowed off my tongue. I supposed deception was getting easier with every day that passed. "I'm sorry. Raincheck?"

Of course, the girls suspected nothing. I've always been a workaholic, and I've missed many girls' nights because I stayed longer in school. They couldn't have known that I was ditching school too.

"Sure," London said, without a hint of the betrayal she should've felt in her voice. She believed me – and why wouldn't she? Until recently, I haven't had a reason to lie to them.

Then, Callie added. "Make sure you don't work too hard! Oh, and if you try to screw your sexy doctor on top of the microscopic... whatever machine, give us a call! With details!"

"Oh, I don't think you have to be afraid of that." I murmured mostly to myself, smiling up at the familiar, bulky silhouette watching me. "Have a good night, ladies!"

"You too, Ging!" Callie echoed.

"Love you!" London added, and I disconnected the call before my conscience guilted me into spilling the beans to my best friends. And most importantly, before I had the chance to overthink exactly what I was about to do to that beguiling piece of rock star waiting in the shadows of my apartment.


A/N: And there you have it. No pregnancy - I don't think that's much of a spoiler. You already know I wouldn't center a story around an unplanned pregnancy. And! As I evolve as a writer and as an adult, I want to normalize things like 'having a period' or 'getting std testings' and the fact that not every single female out there is just magically on the pill. Safe, consensual sex everyone!

Ps -- I will upload the next chapter THIS Saturday (February 9th) so be sure to check back! xx

Twitter: cb_milady

Instagram: grettypop

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