I texted Hobi and Tae to see if they're available at the moment and thankfully they were.

"Are you available right now?"

"Sadly no, I have drama class after this, but I can go there after school," he replied.

"Alright, see you then," I answered as I put my things away and headed out.

I looked at my phone and saw that they were at their dorms, so I let them know that I was on the way.

"What's the emergency Kookie?" Tae asked.

"Did yall know about some new person?"

"No, not that I know of why? Did someone come up askin'," Hobi hyung asked.

"Yep, some new kid to the school or I don't know asked if I worked at the Magic Shop and wondered about seeing if he's worth work with us......Why could Van do it?"

"Probably busy for once?" Tae commented.

"Sure ok, but never know, he hasn't really told us what else he does with the place when there's daylight. So are we meeting with him tonight?"

"I guess so, look I'm not looking forward to this and it would suck ass if he sucks and have to tell him to leave just to only see him in class the next day," I said leaning my head back on the couch.

"Great, well if he's so confident I guess we'll see when we go to work.....What does he look like?"

"I didn't really look at him that much so I can't help you but if it helps, he said he's going to drama class soon so maybe Jin hyung knows about him."

"FIELD TRIP!!!!" Tae yelled as he jumps in place.

"You two are going, I don't wanna be around they guy," I said sitting up.

"Gotta a bad vibe from him?"

"Yea, something about him I can't shake despite his kind demeanor, but like I said it could probably be just me feeling that way."

"But so far you've been right with every encounter, so I'll take your word for it until we meet him," Hobi hyung said.

"I just texted Jin, and he said that they're doing a practice shot and we can spectate," Tae said going to grab his things.

"Have fun, I'm going to go bother Jimin since he should be getting out right now," I said smiling and leaving.

"Slap his ass for me!" Tae shouted.

"Uh huh!"

Taehyung POV

Me and Hobi left to head to the other side of the campus to see Jin's practice act and to meet this mysterious person. I made sure to ask Kookie what was his name before getting there so if we heard it then we know the face to the name. Once we got there we were met with the teacher happy to see us then with Jin who looked godly with the outfit that he was wearing although it looked kinda eh.....I could make better clothes than that....ew

"Hey you two, I'm so glad that you guys came. Namjoon is already over there waiting to view it since we're going to have lunch and he has nothing to do at the moment."

"Nice, by the way-"

"Jin! We need you sweetie we're about to start," the teacher called out.

"Sorry gotta go, we'll talk afterwards," he said waving at us as he takes his place.

"I guess we'll just have to be observant," Hobi whispered.

"I'll take care of that, I doubt he'll stare at me long if he finds me looking at him," I whispered back.

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